187 - Summer Cosplay Date

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(Iris POV)

I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked almost just like the girl from the game. Looking at my reflection, Magical Girl Cho stared back at me.

Her straight, long, black hair which reached her back, coupled with her sharp blue eyes for a fierce but gentle look. A blue heart was on her cheek, and her magical girl outfit was what you would expect, with frills and hearts but with a main color of blue. In my hands, I held a prop spear.

The only thing which wasn't accurate were my elf ears. Unfortunately, Fairy Knights hadn't included any elven characters in any of the iterations yet.

So I placed some of the black hair in front of the ears in order to hide them. I'm so excited. I'm actually going to be at the Summer Coscon with Ken!

We could do this and that, and then we could do this as well...it'll be such a long day, and then we'll come back and enter my room and then-

I felt my cheeks heating up. I quickly shook away the thoughts, making sure the light blush died from my face. I should save the fantasies for later.

But in costume-

No! Focus!

I lightly slapped both of my cheeks. I've been having a harder time focusing and whatnot, because recently my mind has just been repeatedly drifting to Ken.

I know I think about him a lot...and daydream about him a lot too, but usually it's not so much...naughty fantasies.

But recently, that's all they have been!

I tried to get those thoughts to exit my brain as I left the bathroom, locking eyes with Ken. He stood there in his outfit, and the words I were going to say to him got caught in my throat.

Oh wow...

His piercing red eyes from the contacts stared straight into me. It was almost like I was naked under his gaze. His small bits of armor we painted turned out well, and his shirt and pants highlighted Ken's muscles well. The wig worked to make him look pretty similar to Sir Kuro, and with the blood red scarf it was almost complete.

"Iris?" Ken spoke. "You're drooling."

"Ah!" I shook myself out of my stupor, quickly wiping my lip. What are you doing?! Focus!

I felt my face heat up in extreme embarrassment. I can only hope he didn't realize why I was drooling...

"L-let me go ahead and do the make-up now." I stuttered, grabbing the items.

Ken sat down as I approached him, grabbing another seat and sitting in front of him. I started to use the make-up to create the thin x-shaped scar on his cheek, trying to avoid staring into those eyes which made me heat up.

I finished it up quickly, turning away and putting the materials away as Ken looked into the mirror at my desk.

"Looks right." He stated. "You're pretty good at makeup."

"J-just a little." I nervously replied.

Oh my god I'm going on a date with him. The reality has just sunk in for the millionth time. I'm actually going on a date with this immaculate, incredible human being.

I want to pounce.

No, hold it back! Restrain yourself! Why am I having so much trouble recently?! Usually I'm able to hide and suppress this...

"Is it time to head out then?" Ken asked.

"Y-yes!" I quickly replied, snapping back to attention.

"Alright." Ken nodded, walking to the window.

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