Author's Note

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This is the end of the first book "Rogues", I truly hope you enjoyed reading it. So, I need to make a couple of announcements.

1. Don't worry, I will continue with the story: The next book is already in progress, and it will be called "Domestics". I'll be updating this book as soon as I feel I have enough material to keep updating regularly. I don't want to make the same mistake and keep you waiting a long time (sometimes even months) just for the next chapter.

2. I want to make a spelling proof of the whole book: I was checking the other day, and for some reason, a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes appeared when I copied and pasted the chapter from my computer to Wattpad. Therefore, I'm going to be correcting these mistakes.

3. Updates: In case I make any major changes to this story, I'll be sure to let you know. Don't worry, I seriously doubt I'll change anything.

4. Epilogue: Lastly, I've been debating whether to publish an epilogue to this book. Please comment and vote if that's something you'd like. It would probably be smut, though hahaha XD.

If you managed to stay until now, I'm your fan hahaha. Thanks again for sticking with "Rogues", expect the next book soon.

The book will be up in my profile, here's the link if you want to see the cover page:


QQ:Would you rather be a domestic or a rogue?

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