Chapter 11: Dreams Of Lilies

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Ladybird galloped near and far in rain, sleet ,and snow. Ben and Bow realized the castle was up in the sky, but a couple of cookies were willing to help them. "Do you need any help?" The healer cookie with a blindfold on asked as a cookie with dark black hair and a missing arm, Black raisin cookie, stood behind him. "They might be intruders or something!" Black raisin stood her guard as ravens swarmed the duo. "ah! Stop! We're not intruders! STOP! STOP IT!!" Ben pleaded as he held himself from the ravens, being reminded of his bullies. The ravens stopped pecking at the duo as healer cookie shooed them away. "GO! GO!" He apologized as the the four of them prepared to see the castle. "Heh.. I remember this old place." The healer cookie chuckled to himself. Ben and Bow left the horse down with the villagers as they brushed her fur. "Wow... this kingdom... this garden.. is full of white lilies. My mom's favorite.." Ben plucked a lily as he held it close to him. "This place... feels so familiar!" Healer cookie chuckled to himself as he removed the bandages, revealing he is pure vanilla cookie. "WHAT!? THIS IS A MOMENT IN HISTORY!!" Ben shouted, alerting the cookies of darkness. "Oh shit." Bow's ears flopped, in surprise in fear. The cookies of darkness Ben and Bow had seen along their way grabbed pure vanilla, dragging him away as Dark Enchantress grabbed at Ben and Bow's cheek like a sweet grandma. "Thank you children for leading us to him..." dark enchantress laughed heavily as they snapped their finger for Esterházy and Baumkuchen, the Cake Hound butlers, to get the two away. "WAIT! LET US GO!!" Bow shouted as she was yanked by her ears. "MIND THE EARS! OW!" Bow kicked and cried loudly as Ben was grabbed by his wrists tightly. "LET GO! OW OW OW!!!" Ben flailed like a bass out of water, allowing the two to finally be free from their grasps. The duo booked it to stop that evil enchantress.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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