Chapter 2:Pink Beginnings

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Ben and Bow felt the bright white light, almost like a flashbang. Both of them passed out, before awakening in a jungle near a castle. The castle looked to have many shades of pink, Flamingo pink, Bright pink, Neon pink, you name it. There was a heart smack dab in the middle of the kingdom. "Ugh... felt like I drank so much..." "me too-" Ben and Bow lifted themselves up, before meeting eachother's eyes as they screamed and panicked. "AHHHH!! WHO ARE YOU!" "YOURE A GREEN BUNNY!!" Both of them calmed down, as they formally greeted themselves. "I'm Ben, Bacon Ben." "Well I'm Bow! Sorry about screaming and causing a ruckus" both of them looked near the pink kingdom as they wandered towards it, before the barking of... a slice of cake? "Is that, a piece of cake" "I sure hope it's A PIECE OF CAKE to defeat it!" Ben cracked that joke as he slapped his knee. *Snrk* "Ahahah!! Good one.. but I think it's getting CLOSER! BEN, RUN!!" Now shouted as the cake hound growled and jumped towards the duo. Bacon Ben and Bow The Bunny booked it until they reached the castle. "So who knocks, do you or do I?" Ben asked as he reached for the handle until the door opened, revealing a very friendly cookie, JungleBerry Cookie. JungleBerry cookie resembled the woman Ben read about in the books, the one who slayed the dragon. "Well hello there you two, come on in!" JungleBerry greeted as she pulled the duo in. "Would you like a drink? DRINK UP!" A servant handed goblets full of juice to the duo. "Thank you... your majesty!" Ben bowed down as he took a swig of the juice. "Hey this juice isn't so bad..."

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