Chapter 6: A Shining Hope

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The ride was long and tedious, Bacon Ben was extremely impatient as he fidgeted with his hands and scarf. Bow fell right asleep, her long floppy ears blowing in the wind. Ben saw the stars shine like diamonds and opal in the sky. "Bow! Wake up!" Bow woke up and saw the stars in the sky. The duo admired the shiny stars, ignoring the flaming ball hurling towards the carriage they were in. Since they were so fixated on the stars, the shooting star hit the carriage that they were in, knocking it over and burning it. The HollyBerry guards got the duo out of the burning carriage, As Ben's scarf caught on fire. He tried to blow it out like a birthday candle but to no avail. The HollyBerry guard, Wildberry cookie, squished the fire with his large metal fist. Ben's scarf was charred and irreplaceable, as Mandy had gifted the scarf to Ben for his 10TH birthday. Ben held the scarf's remains in his hands, fighting the urge to break down. Bow was shaking heavily, as the fire reminded her of the phantoms overturning Jamaa. The "Shooting Star" that crashed into the carriage was Stardust Cookie. Stardust emerged from the rubble, holding his white hair before seeing the duo holding each other in fear. Ben had tears in his eyes, and so did Bow as they turned to face the being who attacked the carriage. "I... I am sorry." Stardust spoke up as he reached out his hand to the young kids. "Please forgive me for ruining your night..." he apologized as Ben and Bow scooted away but Ben reached out his hand. "I....i don't know if I could and should forgive you... but I will." Ben cried as he wiped tears away from his face. "Where are we... anyway?" Bow got back onto her feet as she realized... they were in the city of wizards. "We're trying to get to the golden cheese kingdom but... you broke our way there... and none of us have wings or a rideable companion." Ben sighed as Moonlight shined on a solution, he followed the light like a moth of a lamp before Ben looked over to a Buttercream and Meringue horse steed and looked at Bow with a smug face. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "Yeah.... We-" "TAKE THE HORSE AND RIDE TO THE GOLDEN CITY!" Ben shouted as he grabbed his remaining stuff and put Bow on the horse as he hopped onto the horse. "GIDDY UP LADYBIRD!" He grabbed the horse by its's muzzle and took off to the golden city. "Hold on tight!! THANK YOU STRANGE MOON LADY! AND STARDUST!!" They waved goodbye and immediately started to take to the golden city to meet golden cheese cookie.

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