Chapter 8: "THERE YOU ARE"

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Ben and Bow had to sneak off to find the strange golden thing. They had to avoid booby traps and tamed monsters just to get to the golden thing. When they finally reached it.. they saw it, golden cheese cookie's sarcophagus. "Ben! We found it!" "Yeah! We.... Found it..?" Bow's hand fan had glitched out, turning into code. "Gah! What's going on!?" Bow reached out to the sarcophagus to touch it, before... "THERE YOU ARE! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING YOU TWO!?" Golden cheese and her servant Smoked Cheese with a smirk on his face walked in. "DONT TAKE ANOTHER STEP, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME CHILDREN!?" She shouted and reprimanded the two. "But.. we need to know the truth!" Ben cried out. "Why would you want that... when they're right here..." with a flick of her wrist, Mandy appeared out of code. She looked just like she did before death, a fake smile on her face. "M-Mandy..." Ben reached out to Mandy, with tears in his eyes.  "I'm sorry... I couldn't save you..." Ben apologized as golden cheese made Bow's parents appear from code. Bow watched as her parents held their daughter close to them. "Why would you leave when you have the ones you love the most right here." Golden cheese cookie guffawed as the Holograms of their loved ones glitched out. "Huh...?" Ben stopped hugging Mandy as she glitched out. "Mandy!? MANDY!" Ben shouted as Mandy glitched out into unrecognizable code. "STAY WITH ME! PLEASE!!" He scooped at the code but it glitched into nothingness. The same thing was happening with Cordelia and Jake, Bow's Parents, as she stood there in fear. "DAD! MOM!" Bow screamed as they both walked off before glitching into the code of the kingdom. Bow was filled with grief and.. rage. She stomped towards the sarcophagus, as golden cheese realized she had messed up... badly. Smoked cheese tacked Bow, hitting her with his shoulder and knocking her into a gold pillar. This filled Ben with the same rage as he didn't want to lose another friend. He sprinted straight towards smoked cheese and kicked him SQUARE in his face. All those years at soccer camp have really helped him with fighting. Smoked cheese held his head, having some sense knocked into him. Ben lifted Bow back up as they both walked to the sarcophagus. "WAIT! Please... don't open that sarcophagus... just.. don't." Ben and Bow were good children... but they weren't going to listen this time. Bow held the sarcophagus still as Ben swung it open as if he was getting a snack from his fridge back at home. But before he could open it, a sort of unskippable cutscene played. It showed golden cheese losing her kingdom... and all that she loved. "Gah! Golden cheese... I..I am so sorry for what I have to do.. I really am." Ben swung the sarcophagus open and caught golden cheese cookie, although she was about the size of 2 full grown women combined. "They just keep getting bigger! Soon enough we'll meet the tallest of the group!" Ben chuckled as golden cheese emerged from her slumber. "Little Boy and Bunny! You two cannot be here! It isn't safe for y-" she shouted at the two as she saw her kingdom glitch out! "Come on you two!" She scooped up the boy and bunny and immediately started to fly to safety as everything started to glitch out and corrupt. She had to abandon her kingdom again. She finally got to safety with the two, at the cost of one of Bow's Bows. "Thank you... you two..." she had a gentle smile on her face. "I'm sorry you had to say goodbye to your kingdom again! But I assure you you can rebuild it and start over again! It's never too late to start over. After all... an end is just a new beginning." He smiled as golden cheese rubbed his head... "tell you what. I have some of my friend's gaurds pick you up and take them to him, is that okay with you two?" She looked at the two of them. "Sure..." Bow held her ruined hair bow and let it fly into the wind like a green butterfly. Ben felt something brush against his head, it was Ladybird. "LADYBIRD!! returned! Thank you!" Ben and Bow held Ladybird tightly. Ladybird brushed against the two as she nuzzled them. "Thank you... mom." He smiled at golden cheese as tears welled in his eyes. Ben meant to say Ma'am but mom slipped out. Golden cheese waved the two goodbye as she looked at the canyon and Cheesebirds beside her.

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