Chapter 7: a Cheesy Feeling

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Ben and Bow rode on the horse that they "found" to the golden city. As they searched high and low, they only found a pyramid with 2 statues of her beside the entrance. They couldn't bring the horse inside, but it was too hot to leave her in the desert. Ben had to make the horse go away. "You have to go now... we can't take you with us." Ben had tears in his eyes as he tried to push the horse to get it to move. "GO! W-we can't take you with us... just.. GO!" He threw a small pebble at the horse, then a stick, before the horse just ran off as he broke down, turning his face to see the horse one last time. "Goodbye.... Ladybird." Bow was waiting for Ben as he walked inside the labyrinth. Cobras, Jackals and strange cookies attempted to attack the duo but a Mine-cart track was behind some rubble. They slipped behind the rubble and took to the rails. "WOOOO!!!" Ben put his hands up as if he was in a rollercoaster, before putting them down. "Yeah that was dumb..." Ben sighed before a giant sand worm opened through the ground, but Bow turned the cart just in time as they were about to stop at a broken off track that was far but she could turn the cart with the lever that was far, so she knew what to do. Bow had a serious look to her face as she grabbed her hair ribbon and pulled the lever, changing the track motion so they avoided a fatal fall and they were close to meeting the one and only, Golden Cheese Cookie. But after they stopped to get out, She appeared right in front of them. Her outfit was sort of like a miniature galaxy. She sat upon her large throne, looking down at the two. "Hello miss... we're looking for Golden Cheese Cookie..." "why... your looking at her! It is I, Golden Cheese Cookie! Care for a tour of the golden city?" She asked the duo as she looked down at the two. "Hm... sure!" Ben and Bow said as they followed golden cheese Cookie. The sudden heat struck them, almost like the car that drove beside them. "Ooh mama.. it's HAWT in here." Bow fanned herself with her hand. "Need something to cool off! There ya go!" *Snap* a fan appeared in Bow's hand. "You're going to stay with me for a while!" She carried the two as Ben and Bow saw one of the servants, Smoked Cheese Cookie, giving them a side-eye. They felt shivers down their spines as they both were placed beside the throne. Mozzarella cookie was right beside golden cheese cookie, as Ben turned to face her. "Wow she's pretty!" He said a tad bit loud. Mozzarella cookie heard Ben as she asked "excuse me?" As Ben realized she heard him, he made an immediate excuse "wow, a Cheese Kitty!" He pet a cheese jackal mistaking it as a cat. "That's a jackal, young boy." Burnt cheese cookie corrected Ben as Bow saw something golden shimmer in the distance. "Pssst! Ben! I see something in the distance!"

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