Chapter 9

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A few days had passed after the truce, and Apollo didnt seem to be throwing any insults or pranks at her. From what she noticed, it was his friends who were bullying her the most. Usually, Apollo stood up for Altalune, but Apollo was brushed aside, always. Those thoughts were what took up most of her mind, and she was starting to believe that Apollo wasn't actually trying to bully her. So, Altalune became more friendly, and Apollo became more friendly back. 

As Altalune was talking to Starlette, Apollo approached her. "Hey Lunes, can we talk?" Apollo stated as he quickly approached Altalune. "I just want to ask something." Starlette immediately left, knowing they'd want privacy. "Sure Apollo. What's up?" Altalune grinned, as Apollo took her wrist and immediately ran into a secluded area on the field. "I've got a few questions I want to ask." Apollo said, as he sat down on the grassy field. "Sit with me, it might take a while" Apollo stated, as he laid on the grass. Altalune slowly followed and sat on the soft fuzzy grass. "What did you wanna ask, Apollo?" She asked, still curious with the way the newfound friendship is blossoming. "Well, listen. I just wanted to ask why you dyed your hair." Apollo stated, as Altalune stared blankly, looking like she was formulating something in her head. After a few minutes, she responded "Well, I just decided to change my look. Why?" Altalune sounded defensive so Apollo let her ask a question. "Fine then. Why, did you start bullying me? I hadn't done anything wrong." Altalune said as she watched Apollo breathily. "Well, the truth is, when I first entered this school, I was a really lonely child. I didn't have friends, and those idiotic morons of friends, were the first people I met. I was only trying to fit in." Apollo stated, stating at the sky, and trying to avoid eye contact with Altalune. Apollo continued his statement as he stared at Altalune. "It doesn't change the fact that I bullied you. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused back then." Apollo looked sorry and sincere, as he looked at Altalune. "Ah, its fine, I guess.." Altalune responded as she suddenly looked around hurriedly, as if she forgot something. Very swiftly, she got up from the grass. "Ah, I need to leave, I totally forgot about Starlette!!" She got up and ran away. Apollo still laid in the grass as he smiled to himself.

"She'll figure out soon, Apollo, just wait." He said as he smiled to himself, grabbing something in his pocket and putting it in his mouth.

It was the same brand of candy he stole that Altalune gave the class.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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