Chapter 4 (Apollo's POV)

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(This chapter is entirely in Apollo's pov)

Apollo was jealous. Jealous of Altalune. The reasob he had tried to get her to leave the school was because of how well people treated her. He thought maybe if he could get her to leave the school the feelings would go away. He tried to be nice to her by inviting her to lunch, maybe if they were friends he wouldn't be so jealous. All plans ended as soon as his friend Jake threw water at her. As much as he tried hard to keep his anger at bay, as soon as Altalune left he slapped Jake. "How could you Jake?! I am trying to make it up to Altalune but you ruined my chance!" He stormed to class and saw Altalune again. Her beautiful dyed hair made her more likeable. There she was again. Always being friendly to everyone. Maybe that could be him. But he ruined it. It was his fault. After class he was in a sour mood all day. "Maybe one day.." he thought to himself.

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