2: Future Husband

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The papers are sprawled on my office desk. I have been going through the details of the Min family for the past hour, sent by my private investigator whom I hired to find out everything related to their family, especially the son whom I am supposed to marry.

The Min family is secretive that's for sure. They rarely attend any public events. The most recent appearance of the Grand Duke was a year ago at an event organized by the royal family of Busan. But no appearance of the son in more than 10 years.

My future husband is 28 years old. He was raised in his family home of Daegu till the age of 12, then he was sent abroad to a boarding school. He attended Harvard University, is a renowned lawyer in his field, and is excellent at his job. He actually owns the "Min and Kim" law firm along with his business partner Kim Namjoon. He also volunteers in a street cat shelter in his free time. That part took me by surprise. 

But aside from that, my Private Investigator found out nothing about him. His life is so damn secretive and I have so many questions, the first and foremost being why he has completely forsaken his aristocratic background for more than 10 years. Why he never attends any public events and why no one knows of his existence as a duke?

I flip through the papers, my interest peaked. My future husband is an enigma. Good for himI love unraveling mysteries.

There is a photo at the end.

My heart thunders in my chest.

Min Yoongi.

It's written at the back of the photo—my future husband's name.

I turn the photo around and my hand trembles slightly.

It's a picture of him at a café, writing on a sheet of paper.

His face is captivating with its delicate features and soft contours. His features are striking yet soft, and he exudes a timeless elegance. His eyes are deep and soulful, holding a distinct kind of warmth, hidden behind a pair of glasses. The subtle curve of his lips carries a gentle allure, evoking mystery and charm. His hair looks soft and he has grown it longer—it looks so soft I have the urge to run my hands through them. His shirt sleeves are rolled up, showcasing his pale and veiny forearms and he has such beautiful fingers, good god it would be a shame if this man doesn't play any instrument.

My heart races all of a sudden and I feel overwhelmed with emotions, strange emotions that I couldn't put a name to. My chest feels like it is burning and my eyes are feeling weirdly watery. I surely ate something weird in the morning because why would a name and a photo of this man unsettle me like this?

I absentmindedly write his name on a paper and trace my fingers on the letters, feeling a weird sense of Déjà vu, as if I had written that very name a thousand times before.

I immediately close everything and push his photo at the back of the papers, so that I can hide everything related to him and his unnerving presence.

I breathe harshly, trying to calm myself down. Calm down, Luna, you are okay.

What a strange reaction to a complete stranger.

After finally managing to slow down my raging heartbeat, I call my assistant Macy. She picks it up immediately and her cheerful voice fills in through the phone. "Yes, boss?"

"Hey, Macy. Make an appointment for me with Mr. Min Yoongi, a lawyer in the Min and Kim law firm."

"Boss, have we landed in some trouble?" Immediately, Macy's concerned voice asks.

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