Chapter 4

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Third POV

Percy was forced to stand as Mr. D introduced him to the camp, getting his name wrong while doing so. After he was introduced he was instructed to get his plate and go sit with the Hermes cabin. Apparently, the tables correlated to the twelve Olympians. Well, aside from the one at the top. That was just where Mr. D and Chiron sat. After Percy sat down, he was stopped from eating by a tall, lean boy with sand blonde hair, blue eyes and a scar on his face

"Hold on, can't eat just yet. Come on." He said standing. Noticing that everyone else was doing so, he followed after him. "I'm Luke Castellan by the way. Son of Hermes and cabin councilor for the Hermes cabin." Percy nodded. "Nice to meet you. So, what is this exactly?" He asked. "Before we eat, we've gotta sacrifice a bit of our food to the gods. They like the smell." Percy frowned. "I don't know who my dad is though. Who do I sacrifice to?" Luke shrugged. "Anyone you want to. You can pray to your dad. See if he claims you for it." Luke suggested, but he didn't sound confident that it would happen. Percy didn't respond.

When it was his turn to offer some food, he decided to not do whatever everyone else was doing and not throw in the best looking part of his food. He tossed in a random biscuit and shrugged.

"To Rhea, I guess." He said with an unsure tone. He then walked back to his seat and started eating. "Rhea, huh? Not many give her any attention. What made you pick her?" Luke asked. Percy shrugged. "I love my mom and she's big on mom's and motherhood from what I remember so it made sense to me." He replied. Luke nodded. Percy heard some snickers from behind him. Turning around, he saw a table with a lot less people than the Hermes table had. They were huge, much bigger than him. Ugly too and the smelled like like sweat old, dirty gym clothes.

"Mama's boy." One laughed, causing the others to do so as well. "Wow, I didn't know it was against status quo to love your mom. Did your mom not love you enough?" The guy quickly stopped laughing and glared at me. "My mom's dead." He growled. "Damn, man. I'm sorry, but hey. At least she doesn't have to deal with you anymore, right?" Percy said with a smirk. The dude nearly launched himself from his seat, but he was pulled down by his siblings. "We'll get him later." They promised him, making Percy chuckle.

"That might not have been such a good idea." Luke warned. "But, good comeback." He smirked. "Meh, I could've done better." Percy shrugged, but his smirk grew wider. After lunch, Chiron came time give Percy a tour, which was actually just him being questioned some more. When asked what exactly his powers were, Percy gave him a basic run down. Not everything, just some of the powers he uses on a daily basis.

To say the centaur was surprised would be an understatement. He looked troubled, like Percy being capable of said things was going to cause problems. Which didn't make sense to Percy. It's not like he's known for abusing his powers causing too much trouble. Percy opted not to ask about it. He'd find out when he finds out.

The two finally reached the cabins, where Percy immediately noticed that they all had a theme. Just like the tables, there was twelve, but there was no extra one. Percy figured it was for the twelve Olympians. The one Chiron lead Percy to was a mostly brown cabin with peeling white paint. The blonde girl, Annabeth was there, talking to Luke. Percy almost laughed at the blush on her face while Luke seemingly ignored it.

"Hey!" Luke waved when he spotted them. "Yo. So, this is our cabin?" Percy asked, eyeing it wearily. "Yep. It ain't much, but it's reliable." The tall blonde said, knocking on the doorframe. Percy eyed the caduceus that was hanging above the door by one nail, having fallen off the other four. "Uh-huh." He muttered. "Reliable." Luke laughed. "Ahh, don't worry. It's not gonna fall and hit you." He said. "Hopefully." Percy playfully glared at Luke, which made him smile. He slapped the younger boy on the shoulder. "Let's get you settled in. Talk to you later Annie!" Luke said. "Don't call me that!" Annabeth yelled and Luke chuckled.

"I stole some toiletries and a sleeping bag for you." He said, pointing at a small space on the floor with said things on it. Percy blinked. "This is serious? Our parents are gods and this is how you live?" There was a few bitter laughs, the moat prominent being Luke's. "Welcome to camp half-blood. Where the all powerful, godly parents forget to be parents." He said with a scowl. "Well, I'm no parent and I'm no god. No one is all powerful, but... there's something I could do." Percy clapped his hands twice.

A bright red, glittery light blinded everyone in the cabin. When it cleared and everyone could see again they all gasped in shock. The cabin was about three times bigger now and could easily house them all comfortably. Those that were sleeping in rickety hammocks now laid in top bunks while those on the floors in sleeping bags were now in bottom bunks. Percy 'space' had been turned into a another bunkbed, under a blonde girl with tan skin and blue eyes. She looked like what Annabeth would've looked like if she was human.

"Holy... dude. How the fuck?!" Luke asked in shock. Percy tutted. "A magician doesn't reveal their secrets, Luke." He said. "Was this approved by Chiron?" One camper asked. "Does it need to be?" Percy asked genuinely. "Typically yea, but that's just manual construction. Imma say this doesn't count." Luke decided, making everyone cheer. "However! We'll have to enjoy our gift later! We've got sword practice!" The cheers quickly turned into groans and wines. "Yea, yea! Line up!" Despite their annoyance, the cabinmates listened and all got in line. "Seriously man, thanks for this." Luke said smiling at Percy who shrugged.

"Don't think I'm gonna go easy on you though." Luke finished with a smirk. One that Percy returned. "Wouldn't have it any other way."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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