Chapter 3

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Percy's POV

When I woke up, I felt drained. Of energy, of motivation and of life. I groaned and sat up. Thank God for regeneration. When I looked around I didn't see anyone, but I could certainly hear them. Dozens of people all bustling around.  I did see that I was in a room. A very nice one at that. I'm pretty sure this bedside table is mahogany. However, admiring the furniture wouldn't help me find out what was going on.

So I stood from my really comfortable bed and left the room. Using my ears, I managed to navigate my way to a front door. I pulled it open just as someone else was pushing it open. A girl that had to be my age with blonde princess curls, a California tan and admittedly, unsettling stormy grey eyes stood in front of me.

It must've taken her longer to process that she was looking at another person since she stared at me for a second then tried to punch me. I leaned my head to the side and let it whiff. She then immediately jumped back, dropping that bowl of yogurt(?).

"Well, hello." I greeted. "How are you awake?" She demanded. "Mr. D put you to sleep himself." I shrugged, not knowing who that was. "No, never mind. What was stolen?" I raised an eyebrow. "What?" She huffed in annoyance. "We don't have much time! Something was stolen from Olympus, what was it?!" She asked, getting in my face. "How the fuck am I supposed to know. And what do you mean Olympus? The hell are you on about?" The girl just grew more annoyed. "Forget it! Let's go." She said and briskly walked away. I pondered if I should actually follow this loon or not, but ultimately decided that it was my only lead so by default, my best lead. So I caught up with her.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "It's lunch almost time. Chiron will most likely already be there. He'll know what to do with you." She answered. "Chiron? That old horse from Greek myths?" She ignored me. Ok then, bitch. We walked in silence until we reached a large, roofless dining pavilion. There's thirteen tables that seemed to be color coded. We'll, aside from one. It was all the way at the top and there was two people there. Mr. Brunner and another man. He looked familiar, then I remembered I saw him last night. He was there after I lost my mind. After... yea.

"Mr. Brunner?" I asked when we reached the table. "Percy? You're up quicker than we thought." He said in surprise. "Yea, she made that clear when she tried to put me back under. Luckily, I've got quick reflexes." I smirked. The girl blushed and glared at me. "So, what exactly am I doing here? Where's Grover?" I asked. "He's around. Please, sit. It's almost time to eat." I did so and looked at the man. He reminded me of Gabe with his big red nose, bloodshot eyes, pudgy torso and unkept hair.

"Thanks for cooling me down." I said. He simply waved me off. "At least this one has manners." He grumbled. "Mr. D." Brunner, who I'm now guessing hi Chiron, spoke invitingly. "Oh fine. Welcome to camp half-blood. There, now leave me be." I almost laughed. Damn near exactly like Gabe. Hopefully he has some redeeming qualities unlike aforementioned step-dad.

"I'm gonna guess you're Chiron then." Brunner nodded. "I am. Brunner was simply a pseudonym. Annabeth, thank you for bringing him here, you may take you're seat." Annabeth nodded and left, heading to the grey table. "We'll introduce you to your cabin later. For now though, we have a few questions." I nodded. "Ask away. However, we do a trade. One question per person until we run out. Deal?" I asked holding out my hand. Chiron shook it without hesitation, which made a green chain appear around our wrists.

He hurriedly pulled back with a look of shock and apprehension.

"Whas that?" He demanded in his stern teacher voice. "Insurance. My mom and Grover refused to tell me anything and it got her killed and you've always been vague with me when I asked questions. I don't need any of that right now. I need straightforward answers." I explained. Both men eyed me cautiously. "Go ahead, ask whatever you want." I said. "What was that... transformation you took last night.

"Most likely my fallen angel form. Horns, six wings?" I asked. Mr. D furrowed his eyebrows and sighed dramatically. "Eugh, you're going to be a headache I can already tell. Can't I just kill him now?" He said. "No, Mr. D. He's no threat to us or Olympus." Chiron responded. "Tell me what's going on. Why was it so important that I be brought here?" I asked. Chiron faltered. "What has your mother told you about your father?" He asked and I pulled my hand. The  chain reappeared and yanked his arm.

He winced when the shackle burned his wrist.

"Straight. Forward." I reminded him. "Your father is a god. A greek one to be specific." He responded with a glare. "Sorry. You're still my favorite teacher. Like I said, it's just insurance." I said, genuinely feeling bad for what I was doing. "Where did you get this form and power?" He asked. "When I was seven I was at ghost hunting convention. Someone created a portal to enter the ghost zone. Long story short, there was an accident, I gained ghost powers and eventually my fallen angel powers." I explained. "You expect us to believe that." Mr. D asked incredously. I shrugged.

"Whether you believe or not doesn't mean it isn't true. Anyway, do you know who my father is?" I asked. "I'm afraid I don't. Even if I did however, I couldn't tell you. The only one that could reveal who your father is, is your father." Chiron responded. I grit my teeth. "Alright. I'm out. What else you got for me?" I asked. Chiron leaned back in his wheelchair and sighed. "Maybe later my boy. For now, it's time to eat."

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