Dare - #137

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Athena: Aunt Hestia! That vlog about you that we made blew up on YouTube!

Hestia: *smiles* Really? Well, I guess people really do like my chocolate chip recipe!

Hera: *pokes her head through the doorway* Athena, dear. You wouldn't happen to know how to track anonymous commenters, do you?

Athena: You'll have to ask Hermes. He's better with those kinds of stuff.

Hera: How about your father? Have you seen him anywhere?

Athena: Last I checked, he was in the lounge.

Hera: Thanks. *walks away*

Athena and Hestia: *look at each other*

Hestia: We should check the comments.

Athena: Agreed. *scrolls through the phone*

Athena and Hestia: *reading through the comments section aloud*

Athena: That bearded guy in the background with the pinstriped suit looks exactly like the guy I hooked up with that just disappeared on me.

Hestia: Did you happen to meet him in a New York club? Because that's exactly what happened to me.

Athena: Same. He said his name was Zeus and I found that weird but I let it slide 'cause I just thought he was into roleplay or was like a professional method actor or something. *grimaces*

Hestia: More like professional manwhore because he hooked up with me too. Hashtag seven months pregnant.

Athena: *blinks and looks at Hestia again* That's enough for today.

Apollo: *waves his phone up* Yo, sis! I'm liking all this attention my little cameo's been getting on YouTube. We should keep this up. We might be bigger than the Kardashians!

*one day later*

Hermes: Are you making another YouTube video? *helping Athena set up the camera*

Athena: Yeah.

Hermes: What's it about?

Athena: An apology video.

Hermes: Huh? Why?

Athena: Ares said some really controversial things on camera.

Hermes: *grimaces* It's only been a day.

Athena: I'll give him credit for that. I expected something like this happening in an hour.

Hermes: *sighs* Fair.

Athena: *clicks record* I'm not here to apologize on behalf of my idiot brother. I think that he needs to do that on his own...

Hermes: *mutters* However long that might take.

Athena: Anyways, I just want to make it clear that I, nor any of my other family members... well, some of them... don't even condone what he did, but as you can tell, he doesn't have as much braincells as we do, hence why we're here in the first place.

Hera: And speaking of not much braincells! *nudges Zeus*

Zeus: *walks up to the camera and reads off a paper* I would like to publicly apologize to my wife for all the times I cheated on her.

Athena: *pinches the bridge of her nose* Oh gods.

Zeus: I would also like to apologize for all the women I slept with and led on... and most likely had a kid with. If you did, please find the nearest satyr or personally take them to the address that will be flashed on screen.

Everyone: *sitting in awkward silence*

Hermes: *clasps his hands together* That's all, I guess. Like and subscribe!


A/N: MissBookworm710 dared athena to start a YouTube channel about the olympians.

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