Chapter 2: Titan Wall

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― Eren! - Carla screamed, only when she noticed her son running towards her.
Eren lighted up at her sight and speed up.

― Mom! - he threw his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug from which she immediately pulled away.

She looked at him clearly annoyed.
― Come on, we don't have time for shit like this. You're father's waiting. - she threw a quick sight at him, before walking towards the elevator.
― But change in something more appropriate before this. - she stated dryly.
―  If the paparazzi photograph you in these rags, you will have to write an explanation yourself.

He quickened his pace, catching up with his mother.
-- I don't have any other clothes with me. - he replied, trying to hold back the sarcasm that rose to his lips.

So what exactly did he expect? A warm welcome? Hugs?
He snorted imperceptibly, so as not to attract unnecessary attention from his mother.

― I was expecting you saying this, honestly.. - she sighted heavily.
― I sent Mikasa to pick up the suit, it should be here soon.


― Don't say anything that could possibly upset him. - the doctor suggested.

― It would be best if you just didn't say anything and just nodded. - Carla added hastily, her brown eyes seeming to scan Eren's soul through and through.

He growled.
― Maybe you can stop me from breathing as well?

-- Don't be ridiculous, Eren. - she replied.
-- Follow me.

His feet reluctantly took him to the room occupied by his father as he turned around, wanting to reach for Mikasa.

She was not there.

― Why didn't Mikasa come with us? - he asked confused, stopping.
Carla also stopped her steps to look at her son over her shoulder again.

― Listen, we don't have time for such conversations now. It's not important now. - she said through her teeth, keeping the cheerful smile on her face that she had learned over the years of being the center of attention throughout France.

"You must always be prepared for the unexpected. You never know when someone will take your photo, so always keep a smile on your face just to be sure."

― Your daughter is not important to you?! - he rose, coming closer. When they came face to face, his eyes lingered on the chilling blank brown of her irises.
- We're going to a family meeting. So why isn't Mikasa with us? Why is she always the one left behind? What's wrong with her?

― Quiet, Eren! - she whispered furiously, grabbing his suit.
― Everything's fine with her. Next time don't shout like that, someone else might hear it!

Eren stared at Carla.
― If she's fine, why the fuck doesn't she take over the business?! We both know that Mikasa is much more suited to this than me. Plus she's older!

-- About a year. - she rolled her eyes in irritation.
Eren didn't answer.
She sighed, shifting her weight to the other leg.
― We don't have time for such conversations now, Eren. Let's go to your father, we're probably already late.

-- But..

Carla opened the door to the classroom, allowing her son to enter first
― Just listen to me for once.


― Eren, you're finally here.

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