Are You In Love?

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Himanshi was in Queen Entertainment Company. She was both an artist and a senior executive. She would support the artists close to her.

Kiran and Fena had always been her followers. As a result, they had gotten a lot of opportunities.

Jili, who came from TANGO, couldn’t help but glance at them. How could they think of competing with her with such qualifications?

Even if the director didn’t have any specific criteria or requirements, it didn’t mean that he would choose people like them!

Thus far, the models who came out of the room did not seem to have gotten good results.

All the models who went into the room stayed for less than three minutes.

Could the audition process for a jewelry advertisement be done so quickly?

The director, Gibson, was a middle-aged man who always had a smile on his face. He seemed to be satisfied with all the models present here earlier but now looking at how quickly the models left the room, everyone knew that no one had truly caught Gibson’s eye.

The models who came out all shook their heads, shrugged, and laughed at themselves. Then, they turned around and left.

Kiran and Fena looked at each other. They were feeling the pressure.

Jili, on the other hand, was very confident. She was more experienced than Kiran and Fena. It would not be difficult for her to take down an advertisement job like this.


While they were all deep in thought, Isha strode over.

As soon as Isha appeared, many people looked at her. Even though they were all supermodels with perfect figures, they couldn’t help but admire Isha’s figure.

There was also a perfect expression on her face.

She didn’t need to pretend to be cold like other supermodels. Everything about her was so natural and carefree. She didn’t need to chase the trends. Her natural appearance and aura were enough.

It seemed that she was the trend!

As soon as she entered the venue, many eyes turned to her.

Isha glanced at the unfriendly gazes and found many familiar faces.

She saw Himanshi’s lackeys from Queen Entertainment Company.

Her competitors from TANGO and many models from other companies were here too.

Many people were surprised to see Isha.

“Didn’t she announce that she would temporarily halt all work? Why is she here, then?”

“That’s right. How long has it been? Has it even been half a month?”

“By making the announcement, she was just trying to gain fame, wasn’t she? She pretends to be wealthy, but in reality, she desperately wants to work.”

“She’s full of schemes.”

Everyone was whispering to each other, showing an unfriendly attitude toward Isha.

No one was willing to go up against another person for this slice of the pie.

Isha didn’t seem to notice their gazes. She didn’t mind their words at all.

The others were merely talking about it. They just thought that with Isha’s arrival, the number of people fighting for the spot had grown. Although it certainly increased the pressure on everyone, it was not a big deal.

Hidden Marriage - Amazing Husband 【Season 2】Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon