Bonus chapter

128 13 21

Third person pov

Dhruv glanced at his friend Yash phone,  It had a notification of 'Mother day special '

He remembered his moment with his mother.

A ten year old boy ran to his mother,  she smiled at her son.

"What happened Dhruv? "

"Mom,  Happy Mother's Day! " He gave her a rose with a card attached to it.

"I made a card  for you by myself and I plucked that flowers myself like a big boy I am. " He smiled,  she glanced at him and then at his card.

She opened the card, her smile widened reading the card.

'The best Mom in the world!
Thank you for being my everything!!

With a drawing of his and his mom with balloons and some roses.

She felt overwhelmed seeing his small talk,  she forgot her every pain a , just seeing her son , she miled and ruffled his hair gently.

"Thank you my best son for this, I really love it, I will always keep it as a treasure. "  She praised him,  making him grin.

He hugged her waist,  she patted his head and kissed his forehead.

"Can you just stop this drama!  I am fed up with this! " A voice made them look behind.

Abhinay  threw away the  flowers and glanced at him and then at the card.

"What are you a girl? " He asked,  making him hug her mother.

Dhrisha shut her eyes and hugged him tightly.

"Don't go making cards like girls,  go and do some study instead wasting time on this stupid things" Abhinay snatched the card and threw it away making his eyes teary,  she glared at him.

"You made a child cry,  can't you think of his feelings! "

He ignored her, and held dhruv hand pulling him with him,  but he held her tight.

"Mumma... " Dhruv muttered,  she jerked his hand away from dhruv.

"Leave him alone with me! " She whispered holding him protectively.

"Dhruv be a man and come with me! " He growled.

He raised his hand to slap him, but dhrisha hid him behind her and stood in front protecting him, her glare fixed on him,  daring to touch her child.

"I will see you afterwards! " Abhinay hissed storming off.

Dhruv smiled remembering his moments with his mom, but it turned painful remembering her mother pain the same day he gave her flowers.

He decided to give her gift again on this mother day.

Dhrisha wished her mom,  and soon was off to college. She met Maira who was smiling.

"How are you Maira? "

"I am OK.. " She replied glancing here and there for dhruv.

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