Chapter 72 - Be honest/ I am serious

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Third person pov :

Dhrisha was fed up with this cat and mouse game. 

She called both Maira and dhruv to meet her,  she wanted them to be at least  friends like before.

Maira came and was about to ask Dhrisha, why she called but stopped as she saw Dhruv. He stopped too seeing her.  They both looked at each other and then averted their gaze.

Dhrisha sighed,  she told them the news of her wedding.

"wedding with whom?"  Maira asked.

"It's with Avyaan,  so I had no problems because we are already friends so atleast we can live as Friends together " She said.

Dhruv nodded and was continuously staring at both the girls as Dhrisha was assuring her that she will be with her in  her house.

Dhruv gulped down the lump in his throat.  He was feeling happy and guilty at the same time.

He finally opened his mouth to say something.

"Guys... " He said.

They both looked at him,  Maira soon averted her gaze.

"What Dhruv? " Dhrisha asked.

"I need to tell you something important " He said, She wiggled her eyebrow in confusion.

Maira was listening, but her gaze was on her lap.

"I...I need to go back to my parents " He said, Maira frowned.

"Parents OK then you can go!" Dhrisha said.

"Dhrisha his parents, don't live in India" Maira said but stared at him.

"Oh really? " Dhrisha asked confused.
He nodded.

"But you will come to meet us right?  You will come again....Right? " Dhrisha asked hoping for him to say.

"Dhrisha My dad won't let me come here again,  he told me that I have to complete my studies there with him." Dhruv lied to dhrisha.

"What do mean by that you won't come to meet me again? " Dhrisha asked, her smile has gone from her face.

Dhruv looked aside and clenches his fists.  He gain his composure again and looked in her eyes.

"Mom,  I will try my best to come here,  but if I didn't came... then" He said but his eyes were on Maira.

"Please forget about me " Dhruv said last line,  to basically both.

But specifically Maira!

They both frowned hearing Dhruv,  Dhrisha was asking continuously questions  while Maira knew what this means.

She clenched her fists to stop her emotions to flow.

"Then tell me when are you going,  so that I can make your days special " Dhrisha said.

Dhruv looked here with love as he did when he was a kid.

"Maybe somewhere 2 months.... " He said.

"OK then let's make your day special in this two months.  Maira you will help me right? " Dhrisha said Hoping for yes.

"Sure how can I forget him so easily after all we were best friends. " Maira said.

Dhruv was shocked he thought she will deny,  He need to talk to her.

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