Chapter 31 - Did you just call me Uncle?

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Dhruv pov:

"Don't hide behind the door, I know you are there and watched everything that happened here little boy"

I slowly turned back, before I could say anything, his two guards came caught me.

"Leave me Bulky guys" I said trying to get out of their hands.

But they were stronger than me.

You all know what! I don't want to die here,  in past. 

I did the worst mistake of my life coming to meet him.

They threw me on the floor.  Bulky guys are really strong but I have learned enough defense to slip from here, but I won't!

I will say hi and Hello to Uncle and then get out of here.

Let's do plan A
Acting to plead

"please leave me" I said.  Acting
Little bit scared.

" Why would I do it? " He asked, with his raised eyebrow.

He sure is handsome from close.


I am just saying he looks more handsome when he was young.

I met Avyaan Uncle who is in his 40's!

"Because......I won't tell anyone about this " I said.

" And do you think I will believe you" He said.

" Yes! Because I am....good at keeping secrets " I said.

He looked at me for a minute and then chuckled.
"You sure have guts! But.... your bad luck...I don't trust anyone, just finish him. " He said looking at one bulky man.

Wait I don't want to die now!

Many wishes are left!!

I  have not even finished my mission!!

"Ah... No I don't want to die now,  leave me Uncle" I  blurted out  wriggling on that so big bulky man hand.

Suddenly they stopped,

What happened?

I looked at Avyaan,  he had shock face.
I looked at the bulky men they were looking shocked and scared.

"what did you said? " He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Uhm......I don't want to die" I said in obvious tone.

"Not that... After it" He said in a annoying voice.

" Leave me Uncle?" I  asked or asked myself more.

"Uncle! " He said frowning.

What did I said wrong!?

He is obviously my uncle in fu-

Oh shit!

Did I just call him Uncle!

He is uncle in future Dhruv!!

Not in past!

You. Are. Dead. Today!

"Do I look like a Uncle? " He said anger in his voice slightly.

"No...." I whispered.

"Then why did you called me Uncle!  I think you sure have a wish to die"  He said raising his voice saying 'uncle'

Think something dhruv or you are dead today!

" I know you won't kill me! "  I said.

"Why do you think that? " He asked amused.

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