Chapter 73 - What if she ask me about you?

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Third person pov :

Avyaan didn't even  move his gun aside.

"I got to know the truth from Vihaan you came from future "  Avyaan said calmly.

Dhruv was shocked,  he promised he won't tell anyone!

He broke it!

Dhruv clenched his jaw,  he sighed and looked at him.

There is no need to hide if he knows.

"Yes this is the truth,  now do you have any questions  to blackmail me " Dhruv said getting tired from his question.

Avyaan was surprised, he moved the gun back in his waistband.

"That means you are actually Dhrisha son" He asked.

"Yeah I am,  Robu No need to hide from him now,  come here" Dhruv said.

Avyaan raised his eyebrows at him but soon got the shock as he saw a little dog like robot wagging it's tail and jumped on Dhruv.

Avyaan stared at him,  as he was patting Robu.

Avyaan frowned not understanding why he came back in past.

'He is boss son '

Vihaan words,  he thought and looked at dhruv softly.

"That means... He was right you are my son." Avyaan said.

Dhruv stopped patting it and looked at him.
"Kinda... Yes. " Dhruv said.

Avyaan stepped back,  he felt something inside him fly as he thought,  he is meeting his future son!

A feeling that said to him,  that  He and Dhrisha will have a good end.

He felt like overwhelmed. He was smiling inside.

His son!

But soon he felt a question inside him rise.

But he didn't knew this feeling was going to be crushed soon too.

"Then Why did you never called me dad? " Avyaan asked.

Dhruv closed his eyes and made Robu sat beside him.

Dhruv was silent,  his sole focus was on Robu.

Avyaan slowly observed his face. His eyes was just like dhrisha.  His nose was just like dhrisha.

He is like the male version of her!

But Dhruv silenced made him insecure, he didn't even looked like much like him.

"Why did you came back here? " Avyaan asked.

Dhruv tried to make an excuse but seeing Avyaan sternly gaze, he stayed silent.

"Because I wanted too... "

"I don't think anyone like Vihaan will even allow you to roam near his Invention. " Avyaan said.

Dhruv rolled his eyes at him.

'Unexpected he is saying the truth,  Vihaan Uncle never allowed me to see his invention unless it was now' Dhruv thought.

' wait... He won't come in past unless...... Something did happen' Avyaan  thought.

"Did something bad happened in future? Was it that bad that you had to come back in time? " Avyaan asked.

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