Hear Me Out

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The words could ring inside my mind on repeat,

And even so, against them I could never compete

I beg and beg for a way out,

The screaming of other people filling the silence

But nobody listened, so I ceased my shouts.

My voice is raspy because it's been too used,

Whilst my eyes are calm because the storm is not common

I endured the lighting and the disruptive shouting,

But said nothing, for the room wouldn't have heard

Since it was noisy, problematic and crowded.

I can write, and yell and beg for a way out

Yet still nobody would listen or yearn to read my words,

And in a clash of anger, lashing, fury and fear

I would cease to exist,

And simply disappear.

I wonder sometimes,

If we're ever even heard,

If my teacher listens to my answers

Or if she chooses if I'm right or wrong,

If I'm not learning even a little bit

If those who teach are even concerned.

I ponder with the small brain I've been given,

If someone has ever thought like me

That the truth behind it all

Is that there is none to begin with.

Because we were never heard

Not even read.

My screams and shouts and cries of pain,

Drowned out with the others

That, same as I and as many, were ignored.

The problem isn't that we're being swept aside

The problem is there is no change.

Like an ocean about to drown a city,

No one attempts to block the tide.

It isn't about what we want, rather about what we need

Because if I'm not heard, why do they then say I never spoke up?

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