Screw the now

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Sometimes I just want to scream.
I don't care about the space between my lines sometimes.
I don't want to and i forget to rhyme
Sometimes I'm sick of writing what I think
I want to say my thoughts
As If that's were ever easy
Sometimes I want to forget my bad spelling
Forget to go back and correct it
Or if the I of I am is uppercase of lowercase
Or if my keyboard writes ai instead of I
Sometimes I want to leave this all behind
But I remember where it's gotten me, how far I've risen thanks to this
How my words helped me find my courage in them
How I have attempted to start over and over again with no use
But always come back here
This isn't like the diary I used to have
This is old yes
I started this along with my diary
But this stayed afoot, because the diary was different
This is perfect for what I need
And spectacular for what I want
But all that really matters to me
Is what you think.
You, my reader, are what's gotten me this far.
So tell me reader, do you want my diary again?

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