I just want someone who

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I just want someone who understands me
Someone who knows that what they do
Affects me
Someone who even though knows that I
Don't want them to change

I just want someone who I don't need to tell how I feel
They know when I'm down and when I'm my best
Someone who understands my feelings
Even though I don't understand mine

I just want someone who will listen if I do tell them how I feel
I want someone who won't laugh or feel pity and guilt
Someone who will hold me when I cry
Knowing that I have saved tears for years

I just want someone.
Who gets it all, who gets me.
I just want someone.
I just really want someone.
I just want someone that's understanding.
Is that so much to ask.

I want so many things.
Yet few I need.
I truly do need three to function
Food and water
And love...

I need someone to love, and to love me.
I'm sick and tired of people who expect the best.
And give the worst.
I just need someone who truly will love me.
Someone to love.
I just need someone to love.

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