I forgot my name again

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I often feel like someone's calling upon me. Yet they're not using my name...what is my name? I feel like I'm going crazy. Until I realize I'm not. Someone is actually calling me by my name. And I just couldn't seem to remember it. I'll put excuses up, I pretend I couldn't listen.

I forgot my name again?- I tell myself over and over, doubt filling me.

I often feel as if something were wrong. Yet everything is so messed up, I can't locate what it is...what is so messed up beyond repair? The world spins around me. Until I realize I'm not. I'm not the center of he universe. And I'm what's beyond repair and fixing. I shake the thought ofF, I pretend I'm ok.

I forgot my name again.-I tell myself as reality hits me, I can't remember.

I often feel like there's something I'm forgetting. Yet my mind can't remember what it is...what is my mind? I feel as if I'm plummeting to my death. Until I realize I'm not. Life and Death have other plans for me. I'm fogetting my name. I ignore myself, and pretend I'm not going through an identity crisis.

I forgot my name again.- I tell myself over and over, sure of it this time.

I often forget my name, and it takes a constant repetition of it, for it to stay. I feel like it's not the biggest of my hundreds of issues, yet it comes to be a huge one...

I forgot my name again...-I keep telling myself.

Because of the pain of forgetting who I stand for...it takes everything in me not to die of the sadness consuming me.

Who do I stand for?

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