Hekate - Lesson Two

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Action action action action
Momentum momentum momentum
this is how pain gets weaker

it is a conundrum, though,
as for someone like you,
action is also pain

Which would you rather?
Disembowel or disembody?
Disassociate or disintegrate?
It is not much of a choice

Suppose, the hedonic mill?
everything is a form of destruction

Flight is no escape either
Some would call it psychosis
Yet that is what makes you feel alive

Wormwood, Mugwort
Birch Bark, Calendula
Marshmallow, Damiana
Blue Lotus, Catnip
(Mandrake, Oleander, Brugmansia
Belladonna, Datura, Aconite
This is the fear of a mortal)

Poison is the path of veins and vulva
Stand up, legless daughter.
Crawl until your bone is exposed
Rise up, mourning widow.
Walk until your feet bleed
Speak up, wicked witch.
Let yourself bear what is,
and what must be.

Your sisters are waiting for you.

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