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Synapses fire in the presence of Godly Gift
and I of whorish Purity excise my doubts
keeping sense of habit is second nature
pick up shards of glass to glue together

I place your worries upon my head
elbows brushed as butterflies choked
me coughing into excessive apologies
with not a single spoken word

too much poetry can be written
about how those eyes strike me
they say honey means incarnations
reenacting sycophantic philossic kiss

business too chaotic to stay me
though my arms will not move
too chaotic to keep me, though
my dear I am your Hachiko

I do not wait as a dog but as your Enodia
eyes tracing trains and box office schedule
searching for some excuse to unite
a king with a crown as names purvey

do I fill your mind as you fill your papers?
numbers and rhythms creating a trance
just the way smoke and water do as I,
essence remains in the spark of contact

your efforts are great and silent
due, diligence and honorous fiber
delighted by your lack of disrespect
keeping distance with eyes of mallow

embrace me
embrace me
embrace me
embrace me

kateilimmenos is only excuse to
run from that which can free you
but it is difficult to run with
legs that you break on your own

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