The Guardian Angel's Lament

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You should have given me the bullet
For it I would have built a cage
Padded it in kevlar
wrapped it in my rage

You should have given me the bullet
though she wore it round her neck
I imagine it's in the trash now
Evil freed with disrespect

You should have given me the bullet
for its meaning I did see
showing such affection
was never wasted on me

You should have given me the bullet
Had I bought myself some time
your reactions did command
Justice to burn within my rhymes

You should have given me the bullet
Though round my neck his blade did hang
He ripped the bullet from her cord,
plunged dagger into my chest, full tang

You should have given me the bullet
Because he left a massive wound
now your danger hunts once more
left this guardian angel consumed

You should have given me the bullet
As now my bleeding's dropped
this is the weight I want to bear, my dear,
quickly, before your heart is stopped,

So now give me the bullet, love
My chest is healing fast
Your business cannot be sustained
If those flags hang at half-mast

So now give me the bullet, love
My hands shake not from the meal
But only from the thought of
Those greatest fears made real

Oh, please give me your bullet, love
So I might lock it square away
with such exhaustion in your eyes
you may not have another day

for when I have your bullet, dear,
you'll have earned a needed rest
and then you'll have some time to spare
to curl softly upon my breast

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