"Did I do a good job?" Emma asked, curious.

"Yeah." He answered as the door creaked open and a girl walked in. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, she held an orange cat in her hands as a wide smile was on her face.

"Simba was worried about you" Beth told her as she gently set the cat beside the girl.

"Hey, Simba" Emma pet his head gently as she was exhausted. She didn't entirely remember what happened. She remembers Daryl and her falling down the cliff, them coming home and then...nothing.

"What happened?" Emma asked the man.

"Andrea thought you two were walkers since...well...you guys definitely look like walkers. It was an accident. Luckily, she was a bad shot" Beth responded for the man. "And thank God for that. Because then you'd be dead"

Emma smiled softly at her. "Am I gonna have a badass scar?" Emma asked Rick.

"I suppose. But it'll be hidden by your hair so nobody will see it" He answered, seeing the frustrated look on her face, he couldn't help but smile.

"Maybe I should stay out of the woods" Emma suggested.

"Yeah. Maybe" Rick said. "I'll leave you two girls alone. I gotta check on Daryl" Rick said as he stood up and left the room.

Once the door was closed, Beth hit the girls shoulder. "Ow! What was that for?"

"For almost dying. You don't get to die." Beth told her. "I've already lost too many people. I can't lose you either. You hear me? No dying"

"I'll try not too" Emma told her as Simba lied on her chest, ready to sleep.

"Better" Beth snapped as Emma smiled.

Beth smiled back as suddenly her face went serious. Emma was concerned if there was something wrong with her wound but Beth leaned in, placing a small kiss on the girls lips. It wasn't like a French kiss or anything like that. It was more gentle, compassionate.
"Thought I should do that in case you do actually die" Beth whispered.

Emma met the girls eyes. "Sorry....was I dreaming of that?" Emma asked.

Beth laughed. "No, you weren't"

"Can you do it one more time? I don't believe you" Emma said with a grin as Beth giggled and leaned in, cupping her face and placing another kiss on her lips but this time Emma kissed back.

Emma could smell her perfume and taste her strawberry chapstick. Beth was so gentle rather than so rough like most people. Emma could tell Beth was slightly shy and not used to all of this. But in this world, Emma didn't know if she'd ever kiss anyone again, so she needed to make it last as long as possible.

They pulled away and Beth wiped her lips, smiling softly. "I-I uhh..I'll let you sleep" Beth said as she left the room.



Beth was reading a book in the living room when her father entered. He stood tall, confident. The thing about Hershel was that he was to not be messed with. "When were you gonna tell me?"

"What? What do you mean, daddy?" Beth asked, confused, putting her bookmark in her book, closing it as she stood up from her seat.

"Oh please, a father knows everything. You kissed that girl." Hershel spoke as Beth's heart skipped a beat.

Beth never felt attracted to boys. Sure, some actors were attractive but Beth didn't like how immature they were. She didn't like how filthy they were. It wasn't until she met Emma that she started thinking about what she wanted.

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