Ep2 Pt2: So if we lose, they can't point a single finger at me

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I hope you are having a great day!

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Final part for episode 2.

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On to the chapter, enjoy!

Total Sole Survivor Ep 2 (Part 1) "So if we lose, they can't point a single finger at me."

Luxury Room (Guys Room) (Day 5)

The Colorful Cobras had earned the luxury of the luxury rooms on the ship.

This gave them 8 beds, which erased the problem of having to share.

Currently after a restful night, some of the guys found themselves awake.

Nicholas was up painting on the bed.

Davy was tuning his guitar.

Nicholas eyed Davy out of the corner of his eye. "So...Davy. Morning."

Davy just ignored him.

"Hello, i'm speaking! I said morning!" Nicholas said with more force.

"Davy heard, he just doesn't care," Davy kept tuning his guitar, strumming a string to test it out.

"You know, I would like an apology," Nicholas demanded.

"An apology? After I told the truth, after I won yesterday's challenge," Davy almost laughed.

Nicholas paused as if in consideration. "Yes," he said flatly.

"Mate, seriously piss off," Davy snapped.

"So I can't even get an apology!" Nicholas glowered.

"No and if you keep asking, I promise Davy will give you something to be sorry about," Davy glared.

"What's going on?" Tamashini stirred awake. He noticed the tension. "Please guys..not this early in the morning."

"He's the one having a kick at me," Davy remarked.

"He's the one that can't apolgize," Nicholas crossed his arms.

"Guys..we need to be a unit," Frederick chimed in as he was awake now. The noise got to him. He went on. "That's the best way we can move forward. You know like a boy band. We have to all go One direction. Be Nysnc. Be a Queen."

"If you make one boy band quote I will seriously jump off this boat," Nicholas rubbed his eyes. "or better yet, throw you off it."

"The one thing I agree on," Davy conceded.

"Well then let's find some more things to agree on," Tamanshini inputted. "That will help."


Davy- "It's hard for Davy to do the whole nice thing. I'm tired of faking it. These people aren't my friends. My band is the only family I ever known..but if I want to get far for them..for me. I'll tone it down. Only a bit. Beatrice wanted me to be Davy. Well this is Davy.." he frowned.


Frederick- "Some people seriously don't know how a team works. I thought I'd be making friends for life, but this is seriously NOT giving friends for life. It isn't even giving friends!"


"We all like music and art, how about we do some more bonding now," Frederick suggested positively. "Oh! Let's make a rendition of a queens song together! I actually wrote a fanfic-"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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