Ep 2 Pt 1: So if we lose, they can't point a single finger at me

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Hello, I hope your day is going well!

Sorry for taking so long to get this out again, but if you had any worries of me continuing just know I will complete this story no matter how long it takes. On the bright side, I can guarantee with the length the chapters have a lot of content in it.

With that out of the way be sure to comment, and I hope you enjoy reading!

It was early in the morning, and the sun was just making its rise above the sea. This made for a beautiful site, as the sun rays painted it's color upon the blue sky and reflected off the rushing waves.

Getting a whiff of the view was Michigan and Darrel.

"It's Michigan," Michigan waved as she stood

"And Darrel," Darrel put his hands on her shoulders.

"This is Darrel's first TSS recap," Michigan grinned.

"And I wouldn't want to do it without my boo," Darrel remarked

"I'll show you the ropes," Michigan assured

"Lead the way, Michy," Darrel grinned "I mean I can only learn from the best of the best."

"Last time on Total Sole Survivor: Spies at Sea!"

We met our new 16 competitors!

A clip of all the contestants faces was shown: Zarian, Alanar, Davy, Beatrice, Uma, Frederick, Tamashini, Godfrey, Shelby, Jolt, Rosalina, Melissa, Phillip, Mikaio, Nicholas, and Mistral

As they entered with a splash, we saw the start of friendships, alliances, rivalries, and even some romance~

These scenes where shown:

Davy laughed at that. "Mate, I feel like we're going to get on well."

"Hey if you want a good time that's what I'm here for," Phillip claimed.

Melissa sighed. "Why d-did I f-feel like t-that was coming."

"Me and you work together, and if you get any information on this little recorder thing that concerns me, you tell me," Mistral declared.

Back off, the artists are talking," Nicholas cut him off.

"Well excuse me, I know a thing or two about art," Tamashini asserted. "And a thing or two about manners!"

"Really now? Would you like a lesson in them," Nicholas snarked back.

Tamashini clenched his fist.

Jolt felt a..special feeling in her stomach, "Well, I'll catch you later Alanar."

She jogged over to a different side of the bench.

"Bye Jolt.." Alanar waved.

"You like her?" Zarian asked.

"It's too early to say..but there are so many interesting girls here," Alanar confessed.

Darrel took over

When the waves parted, the competitors were divided into two teams

"Okay, so this is the teams. Team 1:"


Godfrey walked over.


Jolt walked over, and Godfrey offered her a high five which she accepted.


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