Ep1Pt3: The only problem is the 15 people in the way of me and my money

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Hello, so I hope your day is going well! This is the final part for episode 1. I hope you enjoy it. I will say thanks to everyone who submitted characters. I really love all of them, which makes it so hard to decide who goes home. Although this chapter will be the first challenge along with the first boot. Enjoy! Leave comments and thoughts please : )

Total Sole Survivor Season 2 (Spies at Sea) Ep 1 Part 3 "The only problem is the 15 people in the way of me and my money"

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Both teams were presented with the puzzle that would create a map for the scavenger hunt.

The Killer Kinkajous

"So who is good at puzzles?" Jolt asked her teammates. Mikaio raised his hand.

Mistral and Melissa whisphered, which received an eyebrow raise from the others principally Jolt.

"Have anything you two would like to share with the class," Jolt narrowed her eyes.

Mistral gave her an eye roll before saying, "I'll take a crack at it."

"Okay, so Mikaio and Mistral," Jolt finalized.

"I think I got a good view of the ship, so this shouldn't be too hard," Mikaio stated. Mistral nodded and cracked her knuckles.

The two were presented with about 20-30 pieces, and they began working on it.

The Colorful Cobras

"Anyone taking up the puzzle?" Alanar looked at her team.

"I'm up for the challenge," Tamashini stepped up confidently.

"Anyone else?" Beatrice questioned.

Frederick shook his head.

Nicholas shrugged and yawned.

Shelby stood back.

Davy and Uma were too busy flirting.

"So can I see your guitar.." Uma grinned.

"You can see anything you like," Davy responded. Beatrice frowned.


Beatrice- "This whole Davy and Uma thing, I'm not the biggest fan of it. I hope Uma has good intentions."


"Okay, I guess I'll do it," Alanar volunteered. "I mean a puzzle is just a picture, but scrambled."

"It's settled then," Tamashini motioned for Alanar to assist him. So the two teams got to work.

 On the Killer Kinkajous, Mikaio was instructing Mistral as she quickly moved the pieces around. The only issue was Mistral was a bit head strong.

"I said move that one," Mikaio instructed.

"It would be easier if you stopped moving your mouth-" Mistral grunted.

Alanar and Tamashini were working very well together on the other hand.

"I work on this side, and you get that side," Tamashini suggested as he worked on one portion of the puzzle, and Alanar did the other.

So the first team to finish the map puzzle was...the Killer Kinkajous.

"Yes! Nice going!" Jolt leapt up in excitement.

"Bada bing, bada boom!" Mistral did finger guns and winked. "That's how it's done!"

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