Ep1Pt2: The only problem is the 15 people in the way of me and my money

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I hope your day is going really good! This is part 2 of Ep 1. It focuses more on interactions, that way everyone gets a little more interaction before the first challenge and elimination. I hope you enjoy! Be sure to leave comments

Total Sole Survivor Ep 1 Part 2 "The only problem is the 15 people in the way of me and my money"

**Commercial Break over**

"All aboard!" Darrel exclaimed as he guided everyone onto his cruise ship.

The ship was like your typical first class cruise ship. Nice clean floor. Big and roomy. Decorative, luxurious, and appealing.

"This..this I can get used to," Nicholas twirled around as he glanced at the scenery.

"It already feels like home!" Beatrice beamed.

"..I don't know..it feels a bit cramped.." Jolt was a bit apprehensive. "..barely any space to move.."

"You can maybe run around the deck, as long as you don't slip overboard," Zarian helpfully suggested.

"Not the same," Jolt frowned as she crossed her arms.


Beatrice- "The waves. The water. This is perfect! This is my domain. I am the Princess of the seas afterall. So I'm already comfortable with the environment, I just now need to be comfortable with my teammates. Hopefully we get time to talk."


Jolt- "A boat? You got to be kidding me? Running is my passion, and being stuck on a boat is like a punishment. So if I get cranky, that isn't my fault."


"Oh the boat looks absolutely stunning," Michigan clung to Darrel's arm.

"Hmm," Caleb had no opinion he wanted to share. "Whatever let's get to busi-"

"Oh one more thing!" Darrel cut in, which made Caleb give him a side-eye.

"I'd like you guys to meet an intern that will be helping around the boat," Darrel told them, which got multiple looks.

"Why does it matter.." Mistral muttered. "..I want to get to the you know- important stuff."

"Is it Fredie Mercury!" Federick hoped.

Everyone stared at him.

"What a man can dream.." He trailed off as he crossed his arms, and looked down slightly embarrassed.

Tamanshini patted his shoulder, which brought a smile back to his face.

"Wait, we never talked about this.." Michigan now tilted her head.

"Yea, well you'll love this, I got-" Darrel snapped his finger giving the individual a clue to come out.

Everyone waited...to which nothing happened.

Darrel snapped again. He then continued to snap, getting more irritated.

He then turned with a forced smile, "Um...give me a moment."

"Does he know what he's doing.." Rosalina questioned.

"I think it's more than safe to say no," Mistral shook her head as she crossed her arms. "All I know is I don't care."

"Do any of us know what we're doing?" Shelby just inputted.

"Yes, now stop with those question things.." Tamashini was starting to get irritated.

Total Sole Survivor (Season 2): Spies at Sea!Where stories live. Discover now