Chapter 20

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"What are you doing? Hurry up! Bring your hips all the way down!"

"You are not putting enough spirit into this."

"If you are like that, we don't need you in the tennis club."

"Just quit already!" The club leader shouted at the new beginners who were struggling with push-ups on the ground.

"Do you want to quit, Yeonjun?" Taehyun grunted out while pushing himself up from the ground.

"No, I don't. Right?" Yeonjun replied, straining as he pushed himself up beside Taehyun.

"The river is running!"

"The forest is alive!"

"We are all...!" The leader paced back and forth in front of the group, starting a chant.

"Alive!" With a final push, they all collapsed on the ground, groaning and complaining about the difficulty of the training.

"That's right. Take a break," the leader said as he walked away.

Seeing the leader leave, Taehyun turned to Yeonjun. "Yeonjun, are you really okay with these training sessions?"

After catching his breath, Yeonjun sat up. "Yeah, it's not like I can back off now. It would hurt my pride."

"The break is over," the leader announced upon returning, much to everyone's disappointment.

"Seriously?" The group groaned in unison.

"Next, do one hundred sit-ups," the leader commanded.

"Yes," the group responded, sluggishly getting back into position.

"I couldn't hear you," the leader said, trying to motivate them.

"Yes!" they shouted before starting their sit-ups at the leader's counting.

Is this supposed to be a tennis club? All we do is muscle training. And both Soobin and Min Jia aren't here. What in the world is going on? Yeonjun whined in his thoughts. Suddenly, a tennis ball hit his feet, causing him to whimper.

"Ouch," Yeonjun exclaimed, stopping his sit-ups to examine the red area on his feet.

"I'm sorry, Yeonjun. Could you please throw it to me?" a voice called out. Yeonjun picked up the ball and realized it belonged to Min Jia.

"Hey!" he called out as he tossed the ball back.

"You're a new member too. What about the muscle training?" Min Jia walked over slowly.

"Oh, didn't you know?" Min Jia crossed her arms. "Performance is the most important thing in the Korean College tennis club. If you passed yesterday's test and were assigned to the advanced group, you're allowed to play on the court."

"Is that true? In that case, Soobin is..." Yeonjun's voice trailed off as his mind raced with possibilities.

"Soobin has even more privileges. He joined the club with two conditions: he can play only when he feels like it and at official games," Min Jia explained.

"No way. Does that mean he's not coming to practice?" Yeonjun realized, feeling a mix of disappointment and confusion. He had joined the club hoping to get closer to Soobin, only to find out Soobin wouldn't be around as often.

"Oh! I heard that you are living in his house. But you don't know anything about him. I guess that means your relationship with him is only at that level," Min Jia smirked before walking away, leaving Yeonjun lost in thought.

"Kim Yeonjun! Are you goofing off again?!" the leader's voice snapped him back to reality.

Later that evening -

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