Chapter 4

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At Seoul National High School

In class F, the students buzzed with chatter and laughter, and some were engrossed in playful activities, paying little attention to the teacher at the front of the room who diligently wrote on the board. Among them, Yeonjun's gaze drifted away from the blackboard , fixating on the world beyond the window.

My least favorite time of the year. Yeonjun couldn't help but let out a sigh.

With the blackboard now filled with the teacher's meticulous writing, he turned to face the class, determined to regain their scattered attention. A sharp knock of the ruler against the blackboard resonated through the room, capturing the students' wandering focus and calling them back to order.

"This is a time schedule for the first semester's final exams," he announced, his tone firm yet composed. His eyebrow raised slightly, emphasizing the importance of the information he was about to share. Surveying the class with a steady gaze, he inquired, "Any questions?"

Yeonjun raised his hand, determined to seek attention in the classroom. The teacher, familiar with Yeonjun's typical antics, jokingly remarked, "What is it, Choi Yeonjun? Do you have a stomach ache?" The students giggled, well aware that Yeonjun's raised hand was hardly ever related to academic matters.

Yet, this time, Yeonjun stood up with a determined expression on his face, surprising everyone. "I have a question," he declared, his voice surprisingly serious. "Have you decided what is going to be on the English exam? Is it going to be up to Lesson 3 or Lesson 4?"

The unexpected seriousness in Yeonjun's inquiry momentarily hushed the laughter, and the class fell into silence as they awaited the teacher's response. It was uncommon to witness Yeonjun, who usually didn't prioritize studying, showing genuine concern about an upcoming exam. Despite their initial amusement, the students now awaited the teacher's answer with a sense of intrigue and curiosity, acknowledging that this was a matter that Yeonjun genuinely cared about.

-At the end of the class -

As most students were packing up their belongings and preparing to leave the class, Yeonjun remained seated, diligently marking important pages with sticky notes for the upcoming exam. It was an unusual sight for his friends Kai and Hyunjin, who approached him with curiosity evident in their expressions.

"What's wrong, Junnie? This is not like you," Kai inquired, puzzled by Yeonjun's sudden determination.

"I can't forgive Choi Soobin," Yeonjun replied firmly, his tone resolute as he flipped through the pages.

"Wow. Well said," Kai acknowledged, nodding in agreement. Hyunjin also showed his support, nodding alongside Kai.

"That's why I'm serious this time. I will beat Choi Soobin in this finals," Yeonjun declared, his eyes burning with a fierce determination.

However, their conversation caught the attention of  Beomgyu, who was seated behind Yeonjun, and the sight of Yeonjun's intense focus led him and Hyunjin to exchange glances before bursting into laughter. The irony of Yeonjun's newfound seriousness and rivalry with Soobin was not lost on them, and they found it amusing to see their usually laid-back friend so fired up.

Yeonjun's pout softened as he listened to his best friends' candid advice, even if it was not what he initially wanted to hear. Kai began to explain, "Think about it. Soobin is way ahead of everyone in the first place. He gets the highest score in the whole country. You are no match for him."

Beomgyu chimed in, shaking his head in agreement, "That's right."

Hyunjin added, his eyes closed in contemplation, "It's not easy to compete with someone like him."

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