Chapter 9

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" I've admired your intelligence and good looks," Soobin continued, seemingly undisturbed by the escalating tension. But as those words left his mouth, Yeonjun's emotions got the best of him and he slapped Soobin across the cheek.

"Oh, shit!" Beomgyu exclaimed when he witnessed his best friend slap Soobin. He knew Yeonjun had a short fuse, but this was beyond his expectations. Kai, equally stunned, covered his gaping mouth, his body tingling with shock. Hyunjin clenched his fists, watching the unfolding scene through the opened
window. Soobin's hurtful words echoed in his mind.

How dare he treat Yeonjun like this? I won't stand for it. Can't he leave my Yeonjun alone? Hyunjin thought, his determination fueling his actions. In a heartbeat, he scrambled up the gate. He couldn't bear to see Yeonjun mistreated like this.

"What are you doing, Hyunjin?" Beomgyu demanded, watching in surprise as Hyunjin climbed atop the gate. "I have to get involved , or Yeonjun will get hurt," he replied and leaped down with a muffled groan. Beomgyu and Kai exchanged glances and followed suit.

They stealthily made their way to a nearby closed window, which was much closer to them then the open window . Hyunjin forcefully banged on the glass. "Open up!" he shouted, his voice resolute.

"Hyunjin?!!" Yeonjun exclaimed and proceeded to open the window. When Yeonjun opened the window, he was more shocked because he saw his two besties covered in dust and leaves .

"They are my classmates," Yeonjun indicated the trio to the people at the dining table. He then lowered his voice to a whisper-shout so only his friends could hear. "What are you doing at someone's house?"

"Sorry," Beomgyu said with puppy-dog eyes. "He really wanted to find out what was going on with you." But as Beomgyu explained, Hyunjin had already climbed up to the window and was making his way towards Soobin.

"Soobin is a genius, but he can turn into a wild animal anytime. See, I was right about coming here. I heard him saying whatever he wanted," Hyunjin declared angrily, pointing at Soobin.

"By the way, who are you?" Soohyun asked curiously.

"Huh?" Hyunjin raised an eyebrow and glanced around, only to realize they were surrounded by adults sitting at the dining table, all wearing expressions of confusion.

Hyunjin swiftly straightened himself and turned towards Soobin's family, executing a formal bow at a perfect 90 degrees. "Pleased to meet you, Soobin's family. I'm Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin. I'm Yeonjun's classmate," he introduced himself with a respectful tone. Mr. and Mrs. Choi nodded in acknowledgment.

"So that means you're stupid," Soohyun interjected bluntly.

Inwardly, Soobin couldn't help but revel in the situation. Ways to go, Soohyun,he thought wickedly.

"What!" Hyunjin exclaimed in frustration, his anger flaring up again, this time directed at Soohyun, Soobin's younger brother.

"Stop that, Soohyun!" Mrs. Choi intervened, silencing her son before he could say more.

"Yeonjunnie and I have a very close friendship in class," Hyunjin continued, addressing Mrs. Choi while casting a sly glance at Soobin, who couldn't hide his annoyance.

"Hyunjin, that's not true!" Yeonjun grabbed Hyunjin's arm in an attempt to halt his tall tales, a move that didn't escape Soobin's watchful eyes. Beomgyu and Kai also successfully climbed up from the windows and were currently behind them.

"Yeonjunnie, you're quite popular!" Mrs. Choi complimented Yeonjun.

Hyunjin couldn't resist flashing his signature smile at Mrs. Choi. "Yes, he certainly is," he replied. Nevertheless, no one seemed to notice the subtle twitch in Soobin's eyes.

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