Chapter 19

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"All right, new members. Today is the first day of practice, so we will have a little test. We just want to take a look at your skills. Please try to do your best," the club leader announced.

"Yes," everyone voiced their agreement.

Yeonjun's heart raced as he heard about the test. No one had mentioned this to me before! He immediately felt a surge of panic.

Continuing his speech, the leader introduced the opponent for the test. "Your opponent is Yunho from Senior year, who is in charge of new members."

"I'm Yunho. Pleased to meet you all again," Yunho greeted with a friendly smile.

"Pleased to meet you," the new members responded in unison.

"I'm glad it's Yunho Seonbae," Yeonjun sighed in relief, thinking it wouldn't be too bad with Yunho.

"You don't know anything," a guy slightly taller than Yeonjun, standing beside him, suddenly remarked. Yeonjun glanced at the stranger, finding his side profile remarkably handsome.

"What do you mean?" Yeonjun raised an eyebrow, turning to face him.

"Can't you see? Yunho seems to have changed," the guy pointed out, gesturing towards Yunho, who now had a fierce expression while holding a racket.

"Then... Gok In Su, you go first," Yunho said with a menacing tone.

"What? I'm going first?" Gok In Su, a member of the group, raised his hand in confusion.

"You thought it would be in alphabetical order?!! I'm a man who likes to do things unexpectedly. Gok In Su, come to the court. What are you standing there for?" Yunho shouted, startling everyone.

"He's called 'Yunho the Demon.' When Yunho Seonbae holds a racket, his personality changes. He's been known for that since elementary school. Normally, he is gentle," the guy beside Yeonjun explained, causing Yeonjun to feel even more uneasy.

"I'm Kang Taehyun, by the way. Majoring in the Music and Art Department," the guy introduced himself, extending his hand with a smile.

Perplexed, Yeonjun shook Taehyun's hand. "My name is Kim Yeonjun. I'm in the Literature Department."

"Im Ju Kyung! Come!" Yunho's shout snapped them back to reality, and both Yeonjun and Taehyun jumped at the sudden command.

Yeonjun and Taehyun engaged in some chitchat, exchanging social media accounts as they got to know each other better.

Suddenly, Taehyun spoke up, causing Yeonjun to look up and notice Min Jia playing with Yunho Seonbae.

"That girl is really good," Taehyun remarked.

"She made it to the last four in the women's singles division when she was in high school. She was smart enough to go to any university she wanted. Korean College has an excellent tennis club," a voice from beside Yeonjun chimed in.

Surprised, Yeonjun turned to see Soobin standing next to him. When did Soobin get beside me? He couldn't recall Soobin being there from the beginning.

"How do you know all that?" Yeonjun questioned.

"She asked me for advice when she was choosing her school. I met her at the national tournament in the first year of high school," Soobin replied casually, his attention still fixed on the intense match between Jia and Yunho.

Soobin didn't know me in the first year of high school. I was just looking at him from afar. That means Min Jia's relationship with Soobin is longer than mine. Yeonjun's mood plummeted as he realized that Min Jia's relationship with Soobin was longer than his. Feeling disheartened, he watched the match unfold.

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