💖Chapter 45: Movie at night 💖

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I need to make her have the medicine because at this stage the medicine is very much required for her health. I understand that this stage is very difficult for her to adjust but I can't help. So when the food arrived, I slowly took out the medicine from my pocket in order to show her that I am taking out my mobile. Luckily she didn't notice me and put it in the soup as I have ordered for soup, sandwich and chicken salad for her and I also ordered the same for me.
Pamela your food. I said and passed the food to her.
Yours? She asked as its her habit.
Yes I have taken. I said
She started eating and I am just watching at her and thinking that she will notice something different.
Rudra. She called me.
I understood what she wants to say.
Don't you think that the soup tastes a bit different? She asked me.
The taste is ok I am not feeling anything like that. I said
Is it only me who is feeling the same? Its taste like a medicine. She said
I couldn't hide it to her anymore.
I have added your medicine on that soup which you are eating because you don't want to take the medicine directly and the medicine is very much required for your health so I thought to add it in that soup in order to make you have the medicine. I said and started eating
Rudra you are too smart. She said
I know I am and that's why my name is Rudranil Sanyal. I said while smirking
Anyways have your food because we have some other errands tonight. He said
What errands? She asked
You will see soon. I said

At night


I decided to wear a red colour sleeveless gown till floor length as the gown is very much comfortable to wear and also it will prevent to reveal my baby bump. He entered the room and stopped.
What happened? I asked
No...Nothing.... He said
I just went to the bed and was about to cover myself with a blanket. He stopped
Pamela we will watch an adult movie tonight and then we will sleep. He said
I started blushing to what he said


You are again blushing. I said because I am feeling like I am loosing my control.
What can I do? Whatever you are saying its making me blush. She said
I again pulled her toward me and said
If you keep on blushing like this, I will unable to control myself for so long. I said
She is still blushing and finally hide her face on my shoulder and said
Rudra I love you so much. I cannot even express myself that how much I love you.She said
I love you too my baby. I understand that. I said
We broke the hug after sometime and she asked
Rudra, who do you think will come?
Mmmmm, I think its a girl. I said
But I think it's a boy. She said
Honestly,No matter whether its a boy or a girl both are welcome equally. I said
You know I just can't wait to meet the baby. She said
Even I too. I said and touch on her belly to feel my baby who is made of my blood.

We started watching the movie as its an adult movie. Sometime Pamela is closing her eyes and hiding her face in order to avoid watching some scenes. I must say that she is a shy baby. But about me, I am just enjoying the movie.
What happened Pamela? I asked her while smirking
Nothing but I am unable to see such scenes. She said
Come on Pamela, there is nothing to be shy. We are married couple and these things are very much common in married life. I said
But I cannot see all these things. She said while slowly opening her eyes.
See what's going on. I said and hold her tightly.
We are watching the movie while I am looking on her face to see her reaction.
She noticed this and said
What happened? Why are you looking at me? Are you watching the movie on my face? She asked while smiling.
I am just looking at your face detecting your reaction while watching the movie. He said
She is just smiling and I kissed on her forehead and we watched the movie. But after sometime, she feel asleep while watching the movie and I made her sleep from my shoulder to the bed.
See what kind of wife she is? Where her husband is craving for her every now and then, and here she is sleeping peacefully. Does she really understand her husband? I started making puppy face for feeling ignored by my wife.
Suddenly I again feel like to talk to my baby and my eyes caught the attention at her small and cute baby bump.So I just touched and put my cheek on it and said
Can't wait to meet you my baby. Can't wait to take you in my arm.Your daddy is so excited. I said and kissed on her bump.

At midnight


I just opened my eyes and saw him staring at me.
Didn't you sleep? I asked him
No I am just seeing your face and spending the night. He said and kissed on my forehead.
You should sleep now. Otherwise you will sleep in the morning. I said
I am not in a mood to sleep now. I want something else. He said while smirking
I understood what he wants now but I am really tired. So I said to him Lovingly
We will do that later darling because I am too tired now.
Fine then tomorrow night. He said
I nodded positively
Sleep now. I said and was about to sleep but he again hold me tightly
Now what happened? I asked him confused
Do you think that I am going to sleep without holding my teddy bear? He said
I just smiled
Atleast allow me to do this. He said
I just smiled looking at him and we slept cuddling each other along with our baby.

I know my writing is not good to make you understand something.But I am still learning to write.
Also follow me on my Instagram for reels, spoilers and AI pics.
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