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He could hear the sounds of his own labored breath and the heavy pounding of his heart as he ran blindly through the dark forest. Every step felt like it was taking everything he had, but the fear of being caught by that man drove him on.

His feet dragged and stumbled over the uneven ground, but still he ran, putting as much distance as he could between himself and the man behind him.

Luther didn't  know where he was going, all he know is that he just had to put as much distance as possible between him and the man.

The sounds of the man's footsteps and curses echoed through the night, reminding him that he was still being pursued.

The panic and fear were overwhelming, making it hard to think straight, but still he ran, his heart beating so hard it felt like it would burst from his chest.

Luther been running for so long that he didn't realized he pushed himself past his limits.

The pain was intense, but he couldn't stop, couldn't let the man catch up to him.

Although his legs screamed for him to stop, to let the pain ease, but he was determined.

Luther knew that no matter how much his legs are burning, he knew that he just can't stop, not when there's a man chasing for his throat.


The man's voice who is chasing after him echoed through the forest, his deranged laugh resonating through the air like a madman's symphony.

His laughter made Luther fear him more than he do. He could feel the insanity emanating from the man's tone, the unhinged cackle filling the air as if he is directly telling Luther that he is dead serious.

The terror that gripped him was overwhelming as the horrifying memory flashed through his mind.

All he witness. That man killed them. He killed everyone. And he knew he will be next.

He cursed under his breath as he accidentally stumbled upon a stone, his heart racing even faster of the possible thought of getting caught.


Luther screamed in panic, his voice filled with raw fear. He gathered the last remnants of strength and pushed himself to run again, the sound of the man's footsteps growing ominously close. He could almost feel the madman's presence closing in on him.

Luther let out a fearful scream as he was yanked backward by his hood, it turns out the man finally caught up to him and Luther was hurled to the ground with a violent force, his body hitting the hard surface with a painful thud. He let out a sharp cry of pain, the unexpected impact leaving him stunned for a moment.

The fear glistened in Luther's eyes as he thrashed around frantically, desperately trying to break free from the man's iron grip.

When he found himself pinned down by the man's formidable figure on top of him, he was forced to face his captor up close.

The sinister smile still adorned his features, and the details of his appearance became clear.

His jet-black hair framed his youthful face, and his eyes were piercing black. He exuded a dangerous aura, and it was obvious he was younger than Luther.

"What do you want from me?!" he pleaded, his voice trembling with fear. "Leave me alone! Get away from me!"

Luther cries as he thrashed around. He can hear the sinister laugh coming from the young man as he can feel the tip of the man's finger lacing through his neck.

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