||Chapter 40 : The Punch||

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"What a beautiful day it is" Ava said, sighing and putting her hands in her pockets and wandering her gaze around to enjoy the wonders of nature. 

"Gorgeous. Unless, of course, you have been ripped to pieces!" Ron said, his tone laced with venom and hatred as he looks at Hermione. Ava and Harry looked at each other, giving a look to each other saying 'here we go again'. 

"Ripped to pieces? what are you talking about?" Harry asked, curious and also a bit confused at Ron's statement. 

"Ronald had lost his rat" Hermione replied, earning Ava to raise a brow, getting reminded of what Sirius Black told her. 

"I haven't lost anything! your cat killed him" Rom blamed, earning Ava to clear her throat and cough to cover her laugh. 

"Well maybe you should learn to take better care of your pets!" Hermione yelled, her fluffy cat, Crookshanks getting  onto one of the stone walls.

"Your cat killed him!"

"Did not!"

"Can you two stop? i am tryna enjoy the nice weather and you two are not helping" Ava snapped, earning them to stop and just glare at each other. Harry snickered at this. 

"Let's just go and see what Hagrid's up to"

The four of them walked up to Hagrid's hut, seeing him Hagrid sitting by the lake, skipping rocks. Walking up to him, Hermione asked "How did it go Hagrid? The hearing?"

"Well, first off, the Committee members took turns talking about why we were there-" Hagrid paused to throw a rock that skipped through the lake pretty far, continuing "-Then i got up and did my piece. Said how Buckbeak was a good hippogriff , always cleaned his feathers. And then Lucius Malfoy got up. Well you can imagine, he said Buckbeak was a deadly and dangerous creature who would kill you as soon as he looks at you ". 

"Runs in their blood" Ron grumbled. 

"Can you not say that?" Ava said, almost glaring at Ron. 

"Why? I am speaking the truth" Ron said, shrugging his shoulders. 

Ava opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by Hermione. 

"And then??" She asked, quite eager to know what happened. 

"Then he asked for the worst, did old Lucius" Hagrid skipped another rock while grumbling. 

"They are not sacking you?!" 

"No i am not sacked" Hagrid replied, skipping another rock that went far away. Speaking again with broken voice as if he was regretting and sad "Buckbeak's sentenced to death"

Ava's jaw dropped at this. "What?!"

"That's way too cruel!"


A man, sitting against a tree like structure, black crows surrounding him was sharpening a big sharp axe blade, producing a scraping unpleasant sound, it was even more horrifying as they came to knew the axe was supposed to be used on Buckbeak. The man, Walden Macnair, looks up from his sharp axe at the four of them who were approaching towards Hagrid 's cabin, giving them a nasty smile. Hermione gives him a disgusted look while Ava flips him off. 

"I can't believe they are going to kill Buckbeak, it's just too horrible" Hermione said, devastated and unhappy about Buckbeak's soon coming death. 

Ava looked down as if thinking something, "There is a way to save Buckbeak" She stated, earning them to look at her in confusion. 

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