||Chapter 35 : You...what?||

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Stepping inside the great hall as the two big doors of it opened. Looking around to see the familiar setting, four long tables for different house, students sitting, laughing and chatting away. Like Home 

Walking over to the Slytherin table and sitting beside Daphne, who looked over at her and smiled, scooting over to give her some space. "Now haven't you turned gorgeous".

Ava laughed, "Me? look at yourself, you turned even more beautiful than before". It was true, Daphne was a beautiful girl with medium -length blonde hair, nice smile and bright blue eyes. Daphne smiled brightly at her compliment. 

"Oh please...puberty hit you hard honey. you have now turned into a stunning woman" Daphne said dramatically, putting her hand over her forehead. Ava giggled, putting her hand over her mouth. 

Ava looked over at the Gryffindoor table, seeing Harry motioning her to come over. Ava nodded, turning to Daphne "Harry 's calling, got to go". 

Daphne 's eyebrows furrowed "How do you know? he didn't even say anything". 

"Twin thing" Ava shrugged, standing up and walking over to the Gryffindoor table, sitting beside Harry, who scooted over to give her some space. "What?"

"Why did you come so late?" Harry asked, raising a brow.

"I left something on the train and i went to get it" Ava lied. 

"Okay..." He looked skeptical but bought her lie. Ava looked over at the Slytherin table, meeting a pair of silver eyes, she wanted to look away but she just couldn't. It was like she was stuck, she wanted to just get lost in them. She felt a tap one her shoulder, pulling her away from her trance. She looked over to see Hermione, who was looking where she was staring. "What were you staring at? it was like you were in a trance.".


Hermione looked at her, raising a brow "Are you sure? Is it a...boy?" She whispered, a mischievous glint shining in her eyes. "I won't tell Harry, I promise". 

Ava rolled her eyes "Fine, Don't judge and don't get mad. I kinda might have a huge crush on Malfoy..."

Hermione's eyes widened but she motioned her to continue, "I had a crush on him since second year, it's just every moment i spend with him, it makes me feel giddy and all. I don't know when and how i got a crush on him, he is just so...ugh. He has got this charm surrounding him that makes me feel flustered and all and i have been trying to push away this feeling every time he looks at me. He is just so..." Ava ranted, finally stopping to take a breath. 

Hermione swallowed, taking a moment to digest all the information. Opening her mouth and forming some words "W...Well if he makes you feel good and loved then i can't really say anything, it's okay if you love him i mean i promised not to judge". 

"And....I might have also kissed him" Ava said lowly, avoiding eye-contact. 

Hermione gasped, putting her hand over her mouth. "You...what?...when?"

"When we were like getting off the carriage...there was no one around and we just did" Ava replied. 

Hermione started laughing, "How was the experience then? was he a good kisser?"

"He was great, really a good kisser" Ava replied, laughing. 

"What the bloody hell are you two laughing at?" Ron asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

"Your ugly face Ronald" Ava said, earning a scowl from him. 


This feeling; Draco malfoyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن