||Chapter 38 : Midnight Stroll||

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Ava was sneaking out of her dorm that she shared with Daphne and Pansy. She had to meet with Ron as they both made a plan to sneak out and go to the kitchens to get some food, Ron said he would bring Harry's cloak so  Ava was assured she wouldn't get caught by Filch.

Walking slowly and try to not make any noise, she walked towards the exit. Suddenly, she felt someone unknown grab her hand, pulling her closer to themselves. She could feel the person's hot  breath on her neck, the cologne they wore was too familiar...

Their arms wrapped around her waist, she froze in fear. Quickly coming back to her senses, she turned around, raising her hand that was clenched in a fist. But before she could hit the person, they grabbed her hand, pushing her against the wall and pinning her wrists beside her face. 

Opening her mouth to scream but she failed as his lips smashed against hers, both of their eyes closing on instinct. He pulled away, looking into her eyes "It's me...". 

"You- you idiot! you scared me!" She whisper-yelled. 

"Did I?" He whispered and after a few seconds their lips met each other again in soft and passionate kiss. 

After a few seconds, he pulled away, smirking and looking at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes "So where are you going?"

"None of your business" 

"It is my business when i am the one kissing you and don't want to ruin this moment" Malfoy said in a low voice before leaning in and kissing her again, her eye closing. She was lost in the kiss when she remembered how he treated her today. She moved her face to the side, breaking the kiss. 

"What happened, darling? " He asked softly. 

"You treat me like shit when everyone's around and then kiss me when i am alone and be nice to me, then you go and flirt with other girls like im nothing. You are treating me as if I am just a person you can do whatever you want to do, i am not gonna let myself be a choice and get treated like that" Ava said, pulling her wrists out of his grasp and turning around to leave. 

"Wait.." He said, taking her hand gently in his, earning her to stop and turn around. 

He got closer to her, tugging a piece of strand that fell in front of her face behind her ear and looking at her with adoration and love in his silver eyes "You will never be a choice to me, love.... you are so precious to me, those other girls mean nothing. I will stop doing everything that bothers you...I promise."

"You confuse me so much..." Ava whispered. 

"I promise i won't do anything that upsets you, just give me a chance love" He said, glancing at her lips and then back into her eyes. "Can I...?" 

Ava nodded and soon their lips met again, a soft passionate kiss full of love. His hands just below her jawline, her hands raised to to hold the side of his shirt. After a few seconds of their lips moving in sync, he pulled away, resting his forehead against hers and looking into her eyes. 

"I lo-" He began but was cut off.

"Oh shit-: Ava's eyes widened, as she pulled away. He looked at her with a confused expression. 

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot to meet Ron, we were planning to sneak into the kitchens. He is probably waiting for me right now" She said. 

"Way to break the moment" He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. 

"I gotta go, i will see you later" Ava said, rushing towards the exit but still remembering to be quiet and not wake anyone up. 

"I will be waiting..." He said but she didn't hear "What are you doing to me Ava..."


"Ron, is that you?!" Ava whisper-yelled as she saw a black figure where they were supposed to meet. 

No reply came, she walked towards the figure, assuming it was Ron just that he probably didn't hear "You deaf weasal, why aren't you replying?"

She couldn't see the person's face clearly cause of the darkness and also because of the hood he was wearing. "Why the fuck are you wearing a hood? Did Fred and George tell you to prank me? well sorry to inform you but you're not looking scary at all right now.".

One thing that she missed to notice was that the person was much taller than Ron, the person pulled down their hood revealing their face, it was a Man with curly black hair, a beard and blue eyes. 

Her jaw dropped, just staring in shock for a whole minute and then coming back to her senses, she remembered the man from somewhere like she saw him on the newspaper, she let out a audible gasp as she realized "Wait...wait I know you, you-you're the man on the daily prophet, you-you are sirius black and you were going to kill Harry and...me...well oh shit" 

She quickly turned around to run but he held her wrist to prevent her, opening her mouth to scream but it was muffled as he put his hand on her mouth "Just hear me out...please".

"What is there to hear?! you're literally here to kill me!" She whisper-yelled.

"Please i am not here to kill you, just listen to me" He pleaded. 

"Wait...you're not?" Ava stopped struggling, turning around to look at him. 

"No I am nit, can i at least explain?" Sirius asked.

"Go on".

He sighed, lowering his gaze for a second then starting to speak "I...am not here to kill you or anything. I am here because of a guy named Peter Pettigrew, he is hiding here by changing into his rat form.".

"But why are you finding him?" Ava asked. 

Sirius was about to reply when they both heard someone 's footsteps coming towards them "I will explain later, please don't tell anyone about me" .He quickly ran away, hiding himself in the shadows.

Ava turned around to see Ron taking off the Invisibility cloak "Where were you?" 

"I got a bit lost" He replied. 

"Yeah come on now" Ava said, as they both put the invisibility cloak over and sneaked to the kitchens. 


Returning back to the Slytherin's dorm after a long time, Ava was tired, so tired she could just fall asleep anywhere. Ron and her were just doing any random shit, throwing flour on each other, trying to bake something but that just turned out burnt. She went to her dorm, waking Daphne up who sleepily asked "Where were you?"

"Just going for midnight stroll" Ava replied, dropping on her bed. 


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