|| Chapter 37 : Fears||

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"Why are you not eating?" Daphne asked, glancing at Ava who was just making a face and not eating, just staring at her food.

"Because i am not in the mood to eat right now but i know i will be in the mood at like midnight" Ava replied as if what she said was making sense. Daphne looked her with a confused expression on her face. 

"So what will you do at midnight?" Daphne asked. 

"I will just sneak into the kitchens with Ron" Ava replied simply.

"Why would Weasley come with you?" She asked again, her face scrunched up.

"Because he is always in a mood to eat" Ava said, glancing over at the Gryffindor table to see Ron, who was stuffing food in his face.

"Okay??..." Daphne replied, looking between her and Ron and then shaking her head as if thinking 'I can't deal with this shit'. 

They all heard a high pitched voice, looking over and recognizing it "Does it hurt terribly Draco?"  Pansy asked, looking over at his bandaged arm and slightly touching it. 

"Does Pansy have a crush on Draco?" Ava whispered to Daphne, who shrugged. Looking at the two of them, so close.

"Comes and it goes" Malfoy replied, glancing at her and then at his arm covered with bandages "Still i consider myself lucky".

"I think i left something in the hospital wing"    Ava said, standing up and leaving the great hall, Daphne 's trailing at her in surprise as she walked out. Malfoy looked at her leave, feeling a little regret but then pushing the feeling off. 


Walking to the DADA class, suddenly hearing someone call her name. Turning her head around, she saw Mattheo, who was smiling and walked over to her. She smiled at him. 

"Hey" She said in low voice.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

"No" She replied, earning him to raise his brow.

"Okay...you sure?" He asked again, stopping earning her to also stop walking.

"Yeah...why you ask?"

"Well it's just really unfortunate to see such a pretty girl not have a smile on her lips" He said, raising his hand to lift her chin a bit. She wasn't sure if she saw him look at her lips. Smirking, he let's go of her chin. "Let's go before we get late".

Ava nodded. They both walked into class.

Walking into class, Ava again met with Harry, walking towards him and standing beside him. "Hey".

"Hi, remember that guy, sirius black?" He reminded.

"Yeah, what about him?" Ava asked, looking at him.

"Well he-" Harry was cut off by squeaking noises and thuds coming from a brown closet. Ava's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as the closet jumped and moved around. Proffesor Lupin walked in from behind the class. 

"Sus..." Theo mumbled from beside Ava.

"Agreed" Ava whispered, doing a high-five with him.

"Intriguing, isn't it ?" A voice said, the crowd of students looked over to see Proffesor Lupin before turning their attention back to the strange closet. 

"Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what's inside" Proffesor Lupin asked, walking foward at the front of the class. 

Theo and Ava looked at each other with a smirk before bursting out laughing, they didn't mind because they were at the back of the class. "You thinking what I am thinking?".

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