||Chapter 36 : You have killed meh||

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Walking to Hagrid hut for Hagrid first class, hugging the monster book close and rushing downstairs to not get late. She heard someone else's footsteps rushing downstairs towards her, looking back she noticed Malfoy, him looking down at his steps not in front, resulting in their collision. Before she could react and move, he bumped into her. They both fell, Ava taking the hit, Draco held himself up with his arms, trapping her there. 

"Do you not have eyes or something??" She hissed, earning him to roll his eyes, standing up. 

"I was in a rush okay" He said, holding out his hand for her. She looked down at his hand, taking it and standing up. 

"Doesn't give you a reason to not use your eyes" She said while standing up and dusting her clothes. 

"Well the only good reason to use my eyes is to look at your gorgeous face, love" He said, smirking, pulling her closer by her hand. 

She took a deep breath, looking away and uttering one word "Corny".

"Corny?" His hand holding her hand slid around her small waist, other hand lifting up her chin to make her look at him "Will you like this then?". 

 With that, before she could even react or reply. He leaned in, pressing his lips to hers, just being still and giving her time to react. Soon after a second, she closed her eyes, kissing him back, wrapping her arms around his neck, her book falling from her hands. 

His hand resting on her jawline slid down to wrap around her waist, pulling her closer as they continued to kiss each other. The kiss started as slow, soft and passionate but soon became rougher and filled with hunger but the passion was still present. 

She pulled away, out of breath "We will be late to class". 

"I don't care about class, i care about this moment we are having right now" He mumbled, pressing lips against her's again, pulling away for a second to whisper "I was waiting for this forever" before kissing her again. 

This time, Ava pulled away "No Draco we will be late to class. We can't do this right now". This earned him to roll his eyes, He nodded "Fine".


"I think they are funny" Hermione said, telling Harry and Ron. 

"Oh yeah! Terribly funny" A familiar voice that Ava loved hearing came from the back, they all turned around seeing Malfoy with a disgusted look on his face "Really witty...God this place has gone to the dogs." He spat with absolute disgust and venom. 

"Wait until my father hears Dumbeldore has got this oaf teaching classes"

Crabbe laughed at his comment, giving him even more motivation to pester them. Ava opened her mouth for a sharp comeback but Harry opened his mouth first to say a lame "Shut up Malfoy". Walking forward.

"oooooooooooohhhh" Malfoy and his goons hooted like a bunch of owls. He smirked smugly, dropping his bag, crabbe catching it and putting it aside. 

He walked towards Harry in a smugly and arrogant way, yet it was so hot. So hot it made Ava blush without even realizing, she was standing behind Harry. Malfoy looked over at her for a moment, smirking before looking back at Harry up and down like a dog looking at his treat. 

Then suddenly, his expression changes from arrogant to scared. Looking up and taking a few steps back, he pointed at something in the air. 

"Dementor! Dementor!"

Everyone immediately turned their heads around to see the non-existent dementor except Ava, who just stood there, looking at him with crossed arms as they laughed. Everyone looked back at them, who now had their hoods up, doing a gesture of something that is supposed to indicate spookiness. "oooohhhh".

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