Part Forty Four: "I will bathe in your blood"

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Hi lovelies!! Welcome back :P

if you are a ghost reader, sound off here haha

I'm genuinely curious to see who's been reading these newer chapters. Right now, I'm sure there are 3 people because of the voters/commenters from the last update lololol shoutout to you three 🙌🏻 

i also love reading y'all's comments!!!!! the comments make the reading experience 10x more fun and now wattpad has those heart thingys

I'm also brainstorming better sounding chapter titles for my lil personal bookbinding/publishing thing so if things change, that's why haha. chapters 1-3 are officially edited as of right now so things are a little different. i gotta kill of the lily idea cause that's an early fanfic plothole so yeah (do y'all even remember lily 😭)

oh! and i also want to try recoloring stuff into how i imagine y/n to be and sprinkle them throughout chapters. that'll be after i complete this, though. I've seen other fanfics do this and it's such a cute idea!



Things To Keep in Mind:

(Y/N) = Your name

(N/N) = Nickname

(A/N) = Author's Note

Italics are your thoughts


Your POV:

(Y/N): "I know this is probably not the best time, but do y'all think Lotor and Acxa are having a girl or a boy?"

The comm lines stay silent for a moment.

PIDGE: "It's definitely going to be a boy."

HUNK: "I think it's going to be a girl."

ALLURA: "Girl."

LANCE: "Girl."

KEITH: "Boy."

I chuckle silently. (Y/N): "I wasn't expecting all of you to be so quick."

KEITH: "What do you think they'll be, (N/N)?"

I think for a few ticks. (Y/N): "I'm hoping for a girl, Lotor's always said how he's wanted a little princess."

Lance snorts. LANCE: "I'm so calling him a little princess when this is all over."

I blush. (Y/N): "Oh gods, please don't tell him I said this."

HUNK: "Do you want a girl so that she can be (Y/N) junior?"

I laugh. (Y/N): "Oh, for sure."

KEITH: "The universe definitely needs another one of those."

I roll my eyes. (Y/N): "I can sense your sarcasm all the way from here, Mullet, and it's not appreciated."

Allura softly giggles. ALLURA: "Alright, you two. Be nice."

PIDGE: "I just hope that whatever they have, the baby will be born when this is all over."

I sigh and fall back in my chair. (Y/N): "All the more reason to find Honerva."

Allura's taps echo through my ears. ALLURA: "Speaking of that, I will hail Shiro."

SHIRO: "Go ahead, Allura."

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