The A House

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Next Morning,

Akshu and Abhi with Abhir went to the nearby Mall to buy the necessary stuff for the house. Abhir and Abhi noticed Akshu smile when she was selecting stuff for the house. They were glad that they were able to bring a smile to her face. After taking everything they needed they left for their home.

Akshu- "Abhi before we start let's eat something as it will all take time and at the end of the day will be famished. "

Abhi- "Okay let's do one thing I have not done anything major during the shopping time so I'll prepare the food till then you guys take a rest then we'll start."

Akshu- "You'll cook for us. Have you ever stepped in the kitchen?"

Abhi- "I helped you yesterday for dinner."

Akshu- "Abhi that was different as I was cooking you were just chopping the veggies and still you made a mess in the kitchen."

Abhi- "You just wait and watch how good I am at cooking"

Abhi stands in the middle of the kitchen, surrounded by an array of spices and vegetables. He is determined to prove his culinary skills to his skeptical audience, Abhir and Akshu.

Abhi- "Today I'm going to whip something up that will leave you both speechless."

Abhir and Akshu exchanged amused glances, barely containing their laughter as Abhi wore an Apron.

Akshu- "Oh! This I'll have to see Abhi the Great Masterchef."

Abhi rolls up his sleeves and starts looking for flour for the dough, but it's clear he is struggling. The moment he approached the flour the entire container turned upside down and all the flour landed on Abhi.  The flour settles on Abhi's hair and face, making him look like a ghost. Akshu and Abhir burst into laughter.

Abhi- "You guys think this is funny"

Akshu- "You were right Abhi you definitely left us speechless."

Abhi- "Hahahha It's so funny right? Wait I'll show you."

Before Akshu could understand anything Abhi scoops up some flour and launches it at Akshu and Abhir. And then it starts a fight between the three of them. 


Later during the day,

In the sunlit living room of their new house, Abhi and Akshu were lost in each other's eyes, laughing softly as they assembled a quirky bookshelf. The air was filled with the sweet chaos of moving – cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, and the occasional clang of tools.

Abhi held a shelf steady as Akshu tried to fit it into place.

Abhi- "You know, this would be much easier if you weren't so distractingly beautiful,"

he teased, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

Akshu rolled her eyes playfully,

Akshu- "Flattery will get you nowhere, Mr. Handyman. Now, hold it straight, or our books will slide off!"

Just then, the pitter-patter of little feet announced the arrival of their son, Abhir. With a mischievous grin, he darted between them, breaking their cozy embrace.

Abhir- "Papa, you're doing it all wrong!"

he declared with the confidence of a twenty-year-old.

Abhir- "Mama, you should be the one holding the shelf. Papa can't even draw a straight line!"

Abhi and Akshu burst into laughter as Abhir attempted to 'supervise' the assembly, his tiny hands gesturing wildly.

Abhi- "Oh, is that so, Mr. Architect?"

Abhi scooped up Abhir, tickling him until the room echoed with his giggles.

Abhi- "How about you be our chief and tell us what to do next?"

Akshu smiled, watching the two most important men in her life bond over the skewed bookshelf.

After sometime, the family decided to add a personal touch to Abhir's room by painting a mural on the wall. Abhi had sketched a whimsical forest scene, and Akshu had prepared a palette of vibrant colors.

Abhir, donning an oversized t-shirt as a smock, stood on a stool with a paintbrush in hand.

Abhir- "Mama, I want the sky to be orange, not blue!"

he declared, his imagination running wild.

Akshu chuckled,- "Orange it is, my little Picasso. Let's make the most beautiful sunset forest ever!"

As they painted, Abhir's brushstrokes were bold and erratic, splattering paint in all directions. Abhi tried to guide him, but soon there were more colors on them than the wall. Akshu stepped back, her hands on her hips, trying to stifle her laughter.

Akshu- "I think we've created a masterpiece,"

she said, admiring their paint-covered faces more than the wall.

That evening, after a long day of setting up the house, the family gathered in the living room. Abhir had a brilliant idea.

Abhir- "Let's build a fort!"

he exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement.

Together, they gathered pillows, blankets, and fairy lights. Abhi lifted Abhir onto his shoulders, and they draped a large sheet across the couches to create a canopy. Akshu wove the fairy lights through their creation, making it sparkle.

Soon Akshu felt a hit of a pillow on her back and when she turned she again received another smack of the pillow but this time on her face. Akshu could not do anything further she received continuous smacks on the face of the pillow but soon she caught one of the pillows in her hand and this halted the fight.

Akshu- "You guys were enjoying on my condition now see What I do. "

Saying this she also smacked Abhi and Abhir's face with the pillow in her hand. and the three of them got busy in the pillow fight. They were hitting each other and laughing at each other loudly. Soon they got tired and went inside the fort they had built. They were huffing but soon burst into giggles remembering their pillow fight a while ago.

Inside their cozy fortress, they shared stories and laughed, forgetting about the world outside. Abhir, nestled between his parents, felt like the king of his castle.

Abhir- This is the best house ever,"

he whispered, his voice heavy with sleep.

Akshu kissed his forehead, and Abhi wrapped his arms around them both.

Abhi-"It's the best because we're together,"

Abhi replied, his heart full.

And as the fairy lights twinkled like distant stars, they fell asleep, dreaming of the many adventures yet to come in their new home.


I need a small suggestion so tell me, please

1. They always stay at the A house and Manjari chapter closes and Akshu's pregnancy.

2. same as above but Manjari realized her mistake but they didn't go with her and stay cordial and the Akshu pregnancy.

3. They went back to Birla's mansion with Manjari then pregnant.

4. Akshu got to know about her pregnancy in the A house and then Manjari realized her mistake but was unaware that Akshu was pregnant.

i have 4 of the idea ready with me.

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