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Akshu was waiting outside Abhi room. Abhi regain consciousness but due to sedative and medicine he fallen asleep as soon as he woke up from his unconscious state.

While she was waiting for Abhi to wake up she remembered how a month or two she was on the hospital bed for her surgery and now Abhi.

Before Flashback, I am including Abhi pov as well even though its all in Akshu pov.


The room is dimly lit, the only sound is the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor. Akshu lies on the bed, her consciousness flickering like a candle in the wind. Abhi stands by her side, his face a mask of concern. after his little talk with Akshu she gas slept soundly. When doctor enter the room to discuss something important.

Doctor:- She's responded to the treatment, but it's not enough. We need to operate to remove the clot that's causing the pressure on her brain.

Abhi:- (nodding) Do whatever it takes. I trust you.

The doctor leaves to prepare for the surgery. Abhi turns to Akshu, taking her hand in his.

Abhi:- (firmly)Akshu, listen to me. You're going to get through this. We've faced challenges before, and we've always come out stronger.

Akshu's eyes flutter open, meeting his gaze.

Akshu:(whispering)-  I'm scared, Abhi.

Abhi:(squeezing her hand)- I know. But remember, you're not alone in this fight. I'm right here with you. And when you wake up, I'll be the first person you see.

A stretcher arrives to take Akshu to the operation theatre. As they wheel her away, Abhi walks alongside her, his voice steady and reassuring.

Abhi:- You're the bravest person I know, Akshu. This surgery is just another battle, and we're going to win it, no matter what it takes. You're my warrior, and I love you.

Akshu's eyes fill with tears, but she nods, drawing strength from his words. As she's taken into the theatre, Abhi's words echo in her mind, a mantra of hope and courage.

The corridor is quiet except for the soft beeping of machines and the occasional shuffle of nurses' feet. Abhi paces outside the operation theatre, his hands clasped tightly behind him. His eyes are fixed on the red light above the door, willing it to turn green.

Abhi:- (muttering to himself) Come on, come on...

Finally, the light switches off, and the door opens. A doctor emerges, removing her mask. She spots Abhi and approaches him with a reassuring smile.

Doctor:- Dr. Abhi, you can relax now. The surgery went well. Akshu is stable.

Abhi's face, strained with worry, breaks into relief. He lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

Abhi:- Thank you. Can I see her?

Doctor:- Give us a moment to get her settled in her room, then you can be with her.

Abhi nods, his gaze lingering on the door through which Akshu was taken. He leans against the wall, closing his eyes in a silent prayer of thanks.

The scene transitions to Akshu's room where she is now resting. Abhi enters quietly, taking a seat beside her. He watches her sleep, her chest rising and falling evenly.

Abhi:- (whispering)You're a fighter, Akshu. You always have been.

He reaches out to adjust her blanket, his touch gentle. A small smile plays on Akshu's lips, as if she can sense his presence even in sleep.

Time passes, and Akshu stirs, her eyelids fluttering open. Abhi is instantly attentive.

Abhi:-  Hey, you're back with me.

Akshu:- (groaning)Did we win?

Abhi:- (laughing softly)Yes, we won. You were amazing.

Akshu tries to rise, but Abhi gently pushes her back down.

Abhi:- Easy, tiger. You need to rest.

Akshu:- (grumbling) I hate resting.

Abhi:- I know, but it's doctor's orders. And you know I'm not just any doctor.

They share a smile, the connection between them palpable. Abhi takes her hand, squeezing it gently.

Abhi:- I'll be here, every step of the way.

Akshu's eyes fill with gratitude, and she squeezes his hand back. In this quiet hospital room, their shared strength and love are as evident as the daylight streaming through the window.

The room is filled with a soft golden light filtering through the blinds. Akshu lies in bed, her head bandaged, but her eyes are open, reflecting a mix of confusion and clarity. Abhi, sits by her side, holding her hand. His eyes are weary but filled with an unwavering warmth.

Abhi:- (gently) Akshu, you're awake! How are you feeling?

Akshu:- (weakly) Like I've been hit by a truck. But I'm okay. Hungry, though.

Abhi:- (smiling) That's a good sign. But remember, you need to take it slow. The surgery was a success, but your brain needs time to heal.

Akshu tries to sit up, but Abhi gently restrains her.

Akshu:- I want to get up. And I want pani puri.

Abhi:- (chuckling) Pani puri? Doctor's orders are strict, love. It's bland food for now. Hospital khichdi.

Akshu:- (pouting) That's cruel. You're supposed to take care of me.

Abhi:- I am. And that means making sure you eat right. (He brings a spoonful of khichdi to her lips.)

Akshu:- (turning her face away) No! I won't eat it!

Abhi:- (teasingly) Oh, so we're throwing tantrums now? What will our kids say if they see you being so stubborn? They will think there mumma is a baby.

Akshu can't help but smile at his playful tone.

Akshu:-They'd say Dr. Abhi is a meanie.

Abhi:- (pretending to be hurt) Ouch. Here, I'll make a deal with you. Two bites of khichdi, and I'll sneak in some fruit for you later.

Akshu considers this, then opens her mouth to accept the khichdi. Abhi feeds her with such care that it's clear this is more than just a meal; it's an act of love.

Akshu:- (after eating) Okay, that wasn't so bad.

Abhi:- See? I know what's best for you.

They share a tender look, their bond unspoken but deeply felt. Abhi continues to feed Akshu, each spoonful a promise of recovery and a future filled with health and happiness.

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