Mr. Abhir Abhimanyu Birla

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In the Midnight
Akshu and Abhi was sleeping when suddenly serve pain occur in Akshu stomach. She clutches her stomach and starts to wake Abhi.

Akshu- Abhi, Abhi.

Abhi listening her voice filled with pain woke up and ask her.

Abhi- Akshu what happen? Are you okay?

Akshu- Abhi I think my Water broke. The contraction are serve. I won't be able to bear.

Abhi- Okay Akshu bear it for a while I'll take your hospital bag and inform Maa then we'll leave for the hospital. Okay now come.

He took hold of his phone and inform Manjari through it. He made her stand and took her in his arms in bridal style.

When they both came downstairs he notice his entire family there except for the Pregnant couples and Manjari standing there with Akshu hospital bag.

Manjari- Abhi I'll also come with you. You won't be able to handle Akshu alone.

Abhi nodding at Manjari words took Akshu to the car Manjari following them. He made Akshu sit in the back seat and sat with her. Manjari sat on the passenger seat.

Soon they reached the hospital. Akshu was lies on the delivery bed her face reflecting the pain she is going through because of the contraction. Beside her Abhi holding her hand, his eyes reflect concern for Akshu and excitement for the baby.

Abhi- Akshu it's fine think about our baby. Our bundle of joy is in the way. You are going to hold her in couple of few minutes. Relax, Calm down.

Akshu nods on Abhi words as another contraction hit her. The doctor team surrounding her offering her encouraging words and assurance.

Dr (calmly)- Dr. Birla we need you to step out for a while and go wear the hospital gown as your these clothes can easily get the baby germs and infection.

Abhi nodding step out the delivery room to wear the hospital gown. After wearing the gown he came when he spot Manjari over there and went to her.

Abhi- Relax Maa. You are not new into this you have given birth to two children. Relax don't be nervous.

Manjari- Abhi I am not nervous infact I am excited to hold my grandchild in my arms. I can't wait for that special moment.

Abhi laughing at her mother went inside the room to witness Akshu screaming because of the contraction.

Dr- Yes Akshu push. It's almost there.

Akshu breathing become more heavy because of all the pain and screaming. The room was filled with excitement and tension. Abhi reached her hurriedly and hold her hand. He run his hand in her sweaty forehead.

Abhi- Yrs Akshu you can do it. Just couple of minutes then we'll be able to see our baby. You can do this Akshu.

Akshu scream her loudest pouring her entire strength in her final push and collapsed on the bed tired. When she heard the cries of baby.

Dr- Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Birla. It's a Boy.

Abhi eyes welled up with tears of joy listening to this. He bent down and planted a kiss on Akshu forehead lovingly whose eyes are also filled with tears of happiness.

A moment later Doctor bring the baby after wrapping the baby in a soft white towel and gave in Akshu arms.

Akshu (whispering)- Abhi our baby, our son.

Abhi- Akshu look at him his eyes is so beautiful exactly like you.

Akshu ( teary eyed)- He is Perfect, Abhi. Just Perfect.

In the clouds after the arrival of the baby. Kaira were found fighting among each other.

Naira- Look Kartik see our grandson. We are now grandparents. Our grandson just marked his grand entry. I am soo happy.

Kartik- Naira he is as precious as Akshu when she was born.

Naira- What do you think? What name will Akshu and Abhi decide for our grandson.

Kartik- My name Kartik duhh. Like you named Akshu on Akshara Mumma name. My daughter will name him on my name.

Naira- But why I have a feeling that they will do like mumma papa and we did combining each other name. I am sure they will name him Abhir.

Kartik- let's see.

Hospital- Delivery Room

Abhi- Akshu What do we will call him. You say I am so overwhelmed that I am unable to think for now you name him.

Akshu- We will call him Abhir. The combination of Abhi and Akshu.

Abhi- So junior we will call you Mr. Abhir Abhimanyu Birla. But Akshu I'll call him junior. You see your what do you wanna call him out of love.

Akshu- I'll call him Abhir. Do you know whym

Abhi shake his head in negative.

Akshu- Cause if I call him Abhir I will call you as well.

Abhi heart was overwhelmed with Akshu words. He just took hold of her hand kissed her mouthing a thank you.


Naira was giving smug look to Kartik who was avoiding her face.

Naira- Now What Mr. Kartik Goenka. Do you want to say something or your all talks are finished now.

Kartik- So What that you proved right. He will be like me mischievous, naughty and cute. You'll see.

Naira shake her head at his self obsession.

Naira- Kartik Goenka you will never change You and your self obsession. Now no more discussion on name no more arguments. This ends here okay. Let me enjoy the joy of watching my grandson and our family grow.

Hospital- Delivery Room

Abhi and Akshu was playing with the baby when he start crying. Seeing him crying abhi starts to panics.

Abhi- Akshu why he is crying. He doesn't like me or something paining him. What happen. Wait I'll call doctor.

And without listening anything from Akshu he left the room to look for doctor.

Akshu- See baby papa got so much hyper just for your crying.

Abhi then return with the doctor.

Abhi- Doctor see my baby is crying. I think he is hurt somewhere. Please look into this.

Dr- Dr. Abhimanyu calm down. He is just hungry.

Abhi- Hungry what he will have I'll ask Maa to bring it here.

Dr- Dr. Abhimanyu he is a baby. He will be on breastfeeding for few months until he will able to eat anything. I'll send a nurse she will guide Akshara Ma'am for this. And you calm down.

Saying this doctor left. But Akshu burst out in the fits of laughter. Before Abhi can say anything the nurse arrived and guide Akshu for breastfeeding.


Hello peoples🤗🤗

I know being a doctor abhi should have known all this. But isn't he cute this way.

So he will be like this unknown to the fact how to raise a child.

Also this will be last time I am adding any kaira scene. Cause after this accident track will start but not right after this. The accident track start from day after tomorrow.

Do tell me how was the update. I'll always in for suggestions and healthy criticism.

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