(12.) Dr. Mahipal Singh.... 🤔🤔

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Hello friends chai pilo, opps 😅 I mean story padhlo....
Happy Reading,

Next day Dr. Neil Sareen joined Hospital. Dr. Aarti and Deepak (the patient) went to Dr. Neil sareen. Aarti told, “Hello doctor, he is Mr. Deepak he had undergone an appendix operation 15 days ago by Dr. Mahipal Singh. Yesterday night I was here for an emergency and I saw him screaming in pain so these are some medicines which I have prescribed him last night.” Dr.Neil asked Deepak “now how are you feeling? Is it paining so much as it was paining at night?” Deepak told, “after taking medicine, pain was not much” Dr. Neil told “the medicines are perfect for subsiding pain but as it is still paining we have to do X-ray.”
On the other hand Dr. Aarti was attending a patient and gave her appointment for operation after two days and admitted him in the hospital and then she went to Dr. Neil’s cabin. “How is the patient?” asked Aarti. He is waiting outside and we are preparing for x-ray” he answered. And then he did X-ray. After some time X-ray report’s came. Dr. Aarti and Deepak were waiting outside the doctor called them in and said, “the patient is not having a kidney he has only one kidney. Have you sold your kidney? 
Aarti and Deepak were so shocked after hearing this. The patient told, “No doctor as Dr. Aarti told I  have just undergone appendix operation and before that I have never appeared for any other operation.” Dr. Neil told “If this is the matter I think your kidney might be taken by Dr. Mahipal Singh and as your kidney could be taken between last 15 to 20 days so your wounds are still fresh and this is the cause for your pain.”

So this is all for today, see you all on Wednesday.

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