Occasion Patch Up

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Occasion Patch Up

After finding out about Aqua’s accident, I’ve taken liberty to help care for her. I’ve been cooking yummy and healthy foods for her and the cat was actually taking over for Angel. I thought that it was sweet that he was helping too. Since she helped him recover first which was fair to the both of them. I swear those two are going to be just fine.

During that time, Alastor eventually apologized for how he acted when I mentioned Lucifer to him the other day. He admitted that he was jealous. And I also apologized to him too for not knowing that he had a dislike for Lucifer. So we kissed and made up. I was glad that things were falling back into the right places again.

~A few days later…

We were all in the lobby just hanging out. I was on the couch with Charlie as we were watching tv. I looked back at the bar to see that Aqua was almost fully recovered. I was happy that she’s okay and even happier that she’s together with Husker.

“Since when did I become so lucky to have and hold you?” Husker kissed her paw.

“Husker.” Aqua giggled.

“Hehe.” I laughed.

“Aww, they’re so sweet together.” Charlie said with a smile.

“Yeah. And to think that I’ve started their story with two black eyes.” I laughed again. “Man, today is a good day.”

“Oh. It will be a good day. Maybe an even better day.”

“Huh? What do you mean by that?” I looked at her.

“Oh, nothing.” she giggled as she went over to the bar to talk to the new couple.

I was so confused on what she meant. I got up from the couch and was about to walking to the kitchen. But I stopped after I heard a little faint noise coming behind me. I turned around to see that it was Alastor smiling down at me.

“Oh, hey babe.”

“Hello my darling. Is this a good time to talk to you?”

“Of course it is.” I smiled at him. And as usual, I always love to see that smile on his face.

“Darling?” he held my paws.


“I just wanted to let you know that I really love you.”

I wagged my tail. “I love you too.”

“Good. Because…” Alastor said as he stood back a bit, and then he did the most unpredictable thing ever. He was getting down on one knee.

I was curious on what was going on. But on the other hand, I was wondering what this was all about. He was looking up to me, and his face was flushed. Red ran across his whole face and his hand was sweating.

“Hun, are you okay?” I asked him.

~Alastor's POV~

“Y-Yes. I’m fine!” I said.

To be honest, I wasn’t fine. I was mustering up all the courage I had to ask her a very important question. I was stuck in my own head thinking about second thoughts at the moment.

‘Oh fuck, what am I thinking?! What if she says no? What if I pee in my own pants? What if she doesn’t want me to have a family with her?’ my thoughts were speaking to me.

“Hun?” Rachel tapped my shoulder.

“I-I… I… I…” I stuttered.

I felt my shadow friend hit me at my back as I was trying to spit out my words. I took in a deep breath and held her paws close. I kissed her paws and saw that the staff and guests in the hotel was gathering around. But I didn't care, I loved this woman.



“Rachel, you are my sun, my moon, and my stars. I want to hold and cherish you forever. I want to make all your dreams come true. I want to have children with you. You make my world spin and made it so much better since you’ve made your way into my heart. I want to be by your side and together we can make the Hazbin Hotel a better place. So will you do me the honor in… becoming my wife?” I asked her as I pulled out a small black box and revealed a beautiful gold and red diamond encrusted engagement ring.

~Rachel's POV~

“Oh my goodness…” I covered my mouth and teared up.

I wanted to cry so much, this was my dream growing up and he's making it true. The way he was proposing to me was beautiful because all of the things he said were the things I’ve desired. I want to marry him. I want to start a family with him. This was all going so fast for me, but I know that these things will take some time to adjust to.

“Yes…” I answered. “Yes! Yes! I wanna marry you!” I jumped into his arms and we both fell back.

I heard everyone in the lobby cheering for us. I was on top of him and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. After we sat up, he slipped the ring onto my finger. It was a perfect fit.

“I love you.” I said.

“I love you too.” Alastor said.

I kissed him again as I felt confetti falling onto us. I was so happy that he made my biggest dream come true. I know that I was protected and I'll never forget the day that he saved me since my arrival in Hell. After we pulled away from our kiss, he helped me out of the floor.

“We’re going to celebrate tonight.” he said.

“Ooh.” I clapped my paws as I was so excited about it. “Oh, I don’t want to go to Ozzie's place. Please?” I said since that date didn’t go according to his plan.

Alastor chuckled with his static laugh coming out of him. “It’s a deal.”

I laughed and hugged him as we were embracing each other. I was really happy that Alastor was going to be my husband very soon. And that he was really going to have a family with me. Man, Hell became a much better place for me.

{{ give lovely credit to my good friend that helped me with this chapter LeonardoLover1106

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