First Date

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It’s been a few days since my kidnapping. But I was starting to feel much better. The way that Alastor and Aqua were taking good care of me. I appreciated everything that they did for me.

One day, I was sitting on the lobby couch reading a book until I heard footsteps approaching me. I looked up to see Alastor was there.

“Hello my dear.” he greeted me.

“Hey.” I blushed and giggled after he called me his dear.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Yes I am.”

“That’s good. Here’s some tea that I’ve brewed up for you.” he said as he handed me a cup of tea.

“Thank you.” I said as I was blowing the steam out of the cup.

“I was wondering if you would like to go out tonight.”

“Like a date?”

“Of course. Since you’re my girlfriend after all.”


“Of course.”

“Okay. Sounds like fun.” I wagged my tail in excitement.

This was going to be our first date as boyfriend and girlfriend. To be honest, I’ve never been on a date before. And this was my first one, so I wasn’t sure what to do. I needed a little help with it.

“Be ready by 7pm tonight.”

“Okay.” I nodded and sipped on my tea as he was leaving.

As I watched him leave, I couldn’t help but wonder. Alastor seemed to be hiding things from me. It’s like he's hiding a lot of secrets, but he doesn't want to talk about it or anything. I'm not sure what it was, but sometimes throughout the day I could see a green string through his smile. It was being forced up.

I watched him greeting people at the front door.

“Hey Rachel, feeling better?” Charlie came up to me.

“Oh yeah. Hey Charlie, do you see a green string at Alastor’s mouth?”

“Hmm, I don’t see anything there Rachel. I think you’re seeing things.”

“Huh, well okay. I’ll see you later.” I waved goodbye to Charlie and headed towards the pool room. “Hey Aqua?”

“What is it?”

“I need your help with something. Can you help me with my dress?”

She sighed. “Fine. Let’s go.” she said as she walked past me.

“Okay.” I said as I walked after her so we can go to my room.

I was wondering what was wrong with Aqua. She’s been pretty moody lately and I didn't understand why. But now that I think about it, she seemed to be pretty annoyed with what everyone was asking her to do. Even the alleycat. And that wasn’t normal of her, she’s usually sweet and kind. Something had to be wrong.

After we made it into my room with me, I got changed into my new dress and stood on the pedestal. The dress I was wearing was a pretty blueish black linen dress. As I was staying still, Aqua kept poking me with the needle as she was seeing the bottom of my dress. It hurt, but I kept quiet since she was being in a mood.

After a few minutes, she was done.

“Ugh, finally. Can I leave now?” Aqua asked me.

“Yeah. You can.” I said as I was placing bandaids at all the spots she poked me at. “Thanks for your help.”

“Whatever.” she scoffed in a moody way and went out the door, slamming it behind her.

‘I swear that girl has issues to deal with.’ I thought to myself.

I went to the vanity mirror and I fixed up my hair. Then I did my makeup a little fancy as well. I looked at the time to see that it was already almost 7. So I went out the door feeling very pretty. As I carefully went down the stairs, I saw him at the bottom gasping in awe. His facial expression caused me to giggle.

“Wow. You look magnificent!” he said to me as he gave me a rose.

“Thank you.” I said as I put the rose in my hair.

“Shall we my lady?” he kissed my hand.

“Yes, we shall” I smiled at him.

It was nice that he cared so much about me. He carefully wrapped his arm around my waist and walked me out the front door. After we made it outside, there was a limo there.

He opened the car door. “After you my love.” he bowed.

I giggled over how charming and polite he was. So I went into the car and he followed me after in. He told the driver where we were going and he started driving to our destination.

During our trip there, he kept avoiding my questions I asked him about his temporary smile. But he couldn't say a word. This got me worried until we pulled up to a colorful restaurant. I read the sign that says ‘Ozzy's.’

“Come darling.” Alastor said as he got out of the car first and helped me out.

“Whoa…” I looked at the building and it was so bright and colorful than the rest of the town.

After we made it inside of Ozzy’s, the receptionist checked us in and the waiter was escorting us to our table.

“After you.” Alastor said as he pulled out my chair.

“Thank you.” I said as I sat down on the chair and let him push me in.

I kept looking around since this was a new place and a new area. Our waiter came up to our table gave us our menus with a cocky attitude. I thought it was pretty rude, but then again it was Hell after all.

I felt Alastor’s hand on mine and he kept looking at me with a charming smile. I smiled back at him, but it seemed like he was more lovestruck than myself. But in my mind, I still didn’t understand many things about him. It’s been 2 weeks since we started dating. And I didn’t know anything about him. But reality brought me back as I started hearing voices on the stage.

I saw a red and black imp singing a love song to his wife. I thought that it was so adorable as I heard him singing. But during the song, a big blue rooster came onto the stage and started singing a whole different song. Then I saw some sort of clown appeared onto the stage as well. He was singing with the rooster. I found it to be really interesting, but the fact that it sounded and looked like drama  to me. I looked over at Alastor who seemed to be enjoying the show.

I was getting annoyed until the end of the show. After it was finally over, we were eating our food. Just then, I saw the big rooster walking over to our table.

“What is this? The Radio Demon is in my lustful lounge!” he said as he shook Alastor’s hand. Then saw me too. “And who’s this beautiful creature here? Hmm~?”

“This is my girlfriend Rachel.” Alastor answered him back.

“May I?” he asked me as he offered his hand.

“Of course.” I said as I let him shake my hand and he kissed the top of it. I felt my cheeks getting warm at the geusture.

“I'm Asmodeus but you can call me Ozzy. I am the Sin of Lust.” he introduced himself.

“It’s a pleasure  to meet you Ozzy sir.” I smiled at him.

This has been one interesting date. A little too much drama for my taste. But the food was really good and the show was too much for me. Ozzy literally interrupted that imp’s love song. But overall, I had a decent time with Alastor who is the one I love.

{{ I wish I could put this in the title of the book my friend does the credit of helping me make the chapters sound better LeonardoLover1106

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