Welcome to Hell

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This was it. Today was extermination day. I was standing with the other angel warriors as we were getting ready to be sent to hell to exterminate the sinners. I was having secondary doubts of going until Adam came up to me.

"Hey babe, relax. There's nothing wrong with killing the sinners. They've done bad and they just have to deal with it. Hell is forever after all."

"Okay babe. I promise that I'll make you proud of me." I said.

"That's my girl." he winked at me as he went to the front of the line to make his speech.

I watched him open up a portal to hell and all I saw was nothing but red. After he signaled the angels to fly, I flapped my wings and started to fly. I entered the portal with all the other angels and they were attacking right away.

After I flew downward, I landed on the ground in an alleyway safely. I was really trying to understand that the angels went through great lengths to earn everything. Even their wings and halos. I wandered around to try to find anybody. But deep down, it felt wrong.

I kept asking myself.... 'Weren't they living souls too?' I kept asking myself that question until I felt somebody bump into me.

I look down at a wolf girl and she look scared. To be honest, I didn't want to kill her. But I had to do a job and I promised Adam that I'd make him proud.

"You're mine sinner!" I yelled at the girl.

She started running away from me and I was flying to try to catch up with her.

"Ahh!" she screamed and turned the corner.

"Get back here!" I turned the same corner and saw herself trapped there. As I got closer, I raised my spear. "Die demon." I said as I slashed my weapon against her arm.


"This is the end." I smirked and thought about how proud Adam would be that I've killed my first sinner. But I was about to do the deed, I saw a better lighting of her. She was white and it picked up my interest. "Huh? Wait a minute, you're not a sinner."

"What are you talking about? What's a sinner?"

The way she questioned me got me mad. "Why are you white? Are you an angel or a sinner? Tell me creature." I demanded. But all I heard was silence from the alley between me and the mystery wolf girl.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about..." she said as she was hiding behind the dumpster.

"Do you realize you're in Hell? Plus, sinners are like people in Hell need to be killed because it's overpopulated!"

I raised my spear getting ready to attack her again, but something from behind me grab me by my wings. I looked back and gasped as I felt my wings being ripped them. I screamed with agony trying to figure out what was going on, until I heard the voice.

I looked back to see that it was Lute. I turned to her and I felt tears running down my cheeks. I was shocked what she did to me until she threw me up against the wall. She had me by my neck.

"Ah!" I screamed out.

"Adam was supposed to be mine and you took him away from me! You're nothing but a sinner, like the rest of them. I hope you rot in hell you pathetic worthless angel." she said as she grabbed me again and stabbed me with her spear.

"Ah!" I screamed out in pain and I coughed up my own blood. I was feeling like my world was ending all over again.

She threw me down to the ground like I was nothing and walked away. I felt useless, my heart was being broken. It felt like this feeling was familiar to me, like something similar I've been through in my life.

I heard a soft footsteps coming from behind the dumpster. And it was the same girl that I was trying to chase and kill. But now I felt so bad knowing that she won't help me.

"Oh my god are you okay?!" she asked me as she was bringing me back behind the dumpster and she ripped her shirt.

I looked at her and hissed in pain. "W-What are you doing? I almost killed you. You could've easily just walked away from here. Why are you helping me?"

"Well... if someone was attacked, who would help you?"

I was shocked. This girl was really going to help me. I felt my heart throbbing knowing that she was willing to help me, but she was also injured as well. I was losing more blood by the minute while she was helping me. But I still never understood people like her.

She was so kind at heart and yet I still felt bad for what I did. I wasn't even an angel anymore. What did I even do to deserve this? I looked back up at the white wolf.

"Why is the color of your fur white? Where are you from exactly? You really stick out like a sore thumb here in Hell. Especially with all the dark and red colors here." I told her.

"To be honest. I don't know, I've always been a white wolf. But please, don't ask me that question anymore." she said as she was helping me up. "It's been a really rough time here."

I felt really bad. "I'm sorry for almost killing you."

"It's alright. I couldn't believe what your friend did to you."

She was right. Lute betrayed me and I felt broken all over again. But to think that my fate would be twisted thanks to this kind sinner or angel or whatever she may be. I looked down at her. "What's your name?"

"I'm Bree."

"You don't look like a Bree. You look more like... an Aquamarine."


"Yeah. With your blue and white hair."

"Hmm, Aquamarine. I like that name. What's yours?"

"It's Kimberly."

"Kim... I think I've heard that name before. But you don't look like a Kim."


"You look more like..." she looked up at me. "A Rachel."

"A Rachel? Me?"


I smiled weakly. "I like it. I like that name."

"Alright. Since we're both here in Hell together, we'll be friends. So let's start over. Hi, I'm Aquamarine."

"Hi Aqua. I'm... Rachel."

"Hi Rachel. Now, let's go find someplace safe to rest."

"Okay. And again, I'm really sorry for almost killing you."

"No worries." she said as she started walking.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere else far from here. It's not safe here for either of us."

"I agree."

This was unbelievable, I ended up from being betrayed to being picked back up. And from somebody I didn't think would come to my rescue. And I ended up making another new friend. Another new friend that was even sweeter than Lute. And she risked her own life to save mine. I was grateful.

And so we walked out of the chaotic streets of Hell. Hoping to find a safe haven to, which would lead me towards my new life here in Hell. As a fallen angel. A fallen angel with a mystery soul savior.

Credit to my friend for helping me made this more sense LeonardoLover1106

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